All people are inhariently magick users, women know more then men (how else do we get our way with a pout?) and some of us learn to hone our skills even further.. . MWAHAHAHAhA!!!

Anyway, it's good to be back. I come here for the chocolate milk. Was I band from DC? No, I don't think I even posted there. I post here because, well, Franta and Rob are just so gob-damn sexy and I can't keep away! That and I was one of the few Nature-Girls at the Mobius boards (Givin' props to Butter as the number one).

As for the compliments, I thank you.

Pictures of me clad in leather, yep, see the website.
Pics of me stradling 700lbs of crome and horsepower in the shape of a Harley-Davidson...forthcomming. [mwah hwah haa]

PS Mobius got

[ 11-14-2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Stareena ]