
the G-man said:
It's also important to remember: it's one thing to be a rough and tumble campaigner. But once the elections over, there's a certain anticipation (or at least there used to be) that people can at least be civil despite their political differences.

20 years ago, Ronald Reagan and then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill were bitter political rivals but could still respect and like each other enough personally to play golf together on weekends.

These days, that sort of thing would be difficult, if not impossible to see happen, especially given the way that "Bush LIED" and booing are considered policy debate.

As I pointed out on another thread, Bush and company (through policy, words, and sometiems just his very presence) has caused a lot of "hurt feelings" in Washington.

Are they babies? Yes. But neither side is above reproach. Dems in Washington and Republicans in Washington just perpetuate the bickering and fueding. I think they do it because it allows them get nothing real accomplished but plenty of press time.

Bow ties are coool.