Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
As far as hobbies go, I'm not all that different. I'm especially a sucker for anime. Just tell me what the show's about, show me an episode and I'm hooked. In some cases, I may even wind up liking the show so much that I'll take up the hobbies of my favorite character! I kid you not. Bruce Lee, DB/Z/GT, Street Fighter: the movie (the anime one, not the live-action crapfest) and kung fu movies are the reasons I took up the martial arts. Any hobby which involves creative writing is one I'll gladly participate in.

I think I just found a new person to corrupt! [woooOOOOoooo!]

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
There are cons which, depending on your viewpoint, could overshadow the pros. I'm ruled out by age and (for the most part) the physical description. I'm 5'10", light-skinned and I'm only 21 years of age. I'm not bald, I wear a Caesar fade. Aside from the goatee, I have the same face I did at 17 and despite all the muscle building, I'm only 160 pounds.

Look, when I was talking about the whole "Dark Skinned Brother" thing, I was stating what I really enjoy physically--not who I expected to end up with. I would be pretty stupid to limit myself to just one thing. Nothing is ruled out in the game of love. Besides, my first love was a Black/Indian mix and that broter was pale. To bad he was such a fucking whore! But I do like em older, at least older then me.

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
I've never made love to a woman. I've always adhered to the belief that's it's better to wait and make love to the woman you love than to just break somebody off.

See--thats the idea, but more often then not, hormones kicks you in the ass, or you get curious, or stupid and then you give it up. A male that's a virgin is rare indeed, but at least you got it together in that sense. Some lucky woman is gonna have loads of fun teaching ya!

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
Although I probably could pick you up and lay you on the bed.

[woooOOOOoooo!] :lol:

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
In a related note: Hypothetically speaking, if we were together, I could deal with the reality of Cancer. I've lost a cousin to the disease, so I have before. It took me 21 years to find you and I wouldn't let the disease stop me from appreciating what we have.

I'm sorry for your loss honey, Cancer is sometimes harsher on the family then the paitent. I an do believe you have what it takes to to cope.