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#42913 2003-01-09 1:35 AM
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You asked us what turned us now the question goes to the ladies.......what do you look for in a man? The Pysical, The Mental and The Spritual.

#42914 2003-01-09 2:20 AM
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In no particular order...

Physical--I am attracted to athletes. Being on a college campus, I get lots of those. In fact, I'm outnumbered for the first time in my life. I'm a big health person, so I like to be around people that like to take care of their bodies. Plus, I work out, so its good to have a friend to do it with.

Mental--I'm insanely jealous of anyone with an IQ higher than mine. I simply cannot stand them. On the other hand, I can't stand jocks. Basiclly, I want someone with common sense. Academical sense...doesn't really matter just as long as they're not smarter than me.

I like Republicans and occasionally Libertarians.

He's got to be polite. Like, open-the-door-for-you polite.

Spirital--I just don't want my Catholic faith compromised. Most guys I know (mostly atheist) are alright with my faith. When I look at my friendships, I tend to get along with Jew and Catholics the best.

That's all I can think of right now...

#42915 2003-01-09 2:22 AM
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i got what you ladies like!


#42916 2003-01-09 2:30 AM
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#42917 2003-01-09 2:58 AM
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Physical: Honestly, I don't think I have "type" (though I did have quite a phase where I dated people from other countries, but it wasn't intentional). I have dated all types, short, tall, athletic, not-so-athletic, dark, light, blue collar, white collar. Eyes are very important...they have to be expressive, they have to hold my gaze. I melt when a guy stares in my eyes. Also smile, they have to have a warm smile. And if I were to yell some "who-hoos" to a guy it would probably be because of his butt, but it's not something I even think about when considering a guy for dating. That is purely an eye candy feature.

Mental: They have to be intelligent. They have to be ambitious, have goals. I don't mean thet have to be a CEO or make a lot of money, but they have to have some idea of what they want in the future (career-wise and life wise) and have goals. They should be responsible. I earn my own money, have my own house, so he should at least be able to handle his own life and not be in serious debt. Most important though, is sense of humor. I need someone I can be a goof with, someone who is comfortable seing silly and doesn't care what others think. I also like to have a "sparring partner", someone I can banter back and forth with, who I can tease and they'll tease back. Someone I could good-naturedly argue with and they would give me a run for my money.

Spiritual: I myself am Catholic, but non-practicing. I definitely have Christian beliefs, but who I'm with doesn't have to share that view. (my most serious relationship was with a muslim). I am still spiritual though I don't go to church. They have to believe in something though, a higher power, however they may describe it.

I also like people that are close to their families and have close friends. I don't tend to do well dating loners, I'm too outgoing.

Hmmm...I think that covers it.

#42918 2003-01-09 3:22 AM
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Now you see, looking at these based on their minds, Cowboy Girl and I would not get along. Because I am too smart. 160 IQ so she would hate me, I figure.

Now, Kimi. Maybe she would like me. I dunno. The loner bit is the only question mark. I am kind of solitary not because I want to be, but because of a hearing problem, though I am close to family and friends from high school and college, so I am not sure if I am a loner per se. Not that I am trying out for the dating game here. Just playing the compatibility test.

#42919 2003-01-09 3:25 AM
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It's Cowgirl Jack, Soy Boy. Don't forget it. [biiiig grin]

And my IQ's 190. So there.

Kidding, kidding!

#42920 2003-01-09 4:40 AM
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I actually had to sit down and think on this for a while. Its been so long since I even allowed myself to think so far ahead that I’ve kinda forgotten…no, wait, that’s the wrong word. My want’s have changed. What I used to want/need no longer applies to the Kenya I am now. So here goes.

What I want and what I need are two different categories.

Naturally, I want Michael Dorn and Christopher Judge but ass naked on my bed fighting to pleasure me. However, what I need is a man that’s a rock.

I got a ton of serious shit going on with me so I need someone that’s serious. He has to like Kids—because I have two—and not want them himself—because I’ve had a hysterectomy. If he has kids already then that’s perfect. I happen to think I’d make a cool Step-Mama! I need someone that can live with the reality of Cancer. It’s not guaranteed I’ll be here in 6 days or 6 years and if something should happen to me, then I would like my other half to be able to hold the fort down, raise my kids, and take care of my mother if need be. See what I mean? I can’t have a childish, immature man around me playing and shit. I’m too old and my situation too urgent for me to be dealing with a crazy mutherfucker. I need someone that can tolerate my hobbies, someone that wont mind—too much—that he has competition from the Internet, or from Anime, or Star Trek, Stargate and all the other fandom I participate in. I’m so used to being the absolute law in my house that I’m often hard to deal with. And as a Strong Black Sista, I often crave someone to take over. Not that I’m weak, but that wasn’t the job God put me here for. It’s good to let the man be the man! I need someone to lean on, someone to give the weight too when I can no longer bare, someone to nurture—I’m ready for he softer side of being a Woman. As much as sista’s hate to acknowledge it, it is a Man’s world and frankly I’m tired of fighting for every little thing. I will, because I have too. Doormat is not my name, but I would be wonderful to say just once, “Honey—soandso did this today!” and have him rushing up there to kick some ass. Having someone to fight some battles is wonderful. I need a strong, solid brother. One that’s as enduring as the mountains and as deep as the ocean, because its gonna take a certain kind of man to deal with ME!

OH! And he has to be able to make me cum!!! I’m still waiting men! I haven’t given up, but if this keeps up, I’m gonna start hitting on Butter and Bianca like the rest of you guys! [biiiig grin]

Physical— Like the men say, looks shouldn’t matter, but we as people are vain and likes what looks good. For me, it’s a little half and half. I like those types of brotha that so ugly he looks good! You know what I mean—those Wesley Snipes and Laurence Fishburn types. The physical is what I notice first, but it’s not what makes me go “okay…yeah…this brother is a keeper.” It’s usually the finest men that fucks around and opens their mouth and turn me off. Quickly. Like someone just flipped a light switch.

Anyway, I’ve digressed.

I love any nationality, and find myself attracted to plenty, but there is something about my dark skinned brotha’s that makes me want to go things to them that would shock their mother. The darker, the better. I’m not talking chocolate…I’m not even talking Crayon colored brown…I’m talking about a straight up slave Black brotha. 11:59-12:01—before and after midnight black brother. I want him so dark, that if I placed him on some black satin sheets, I’d need an ultra violet light to find his ass! I love a tall brotha. Bald men almost always gets the booty and I want them with some weight on him! Don’t come running up to me if you weigh 95 pounds soaking wet, standing under a waterfall with bricks in your pocket. You need to at least be 250-300 pounds and 6’3. That’s a brother that can pick you up, lay you on the bed and show you who’s master. A nice set of lips and glasses. I think a man that wears glasses are handsome. You could be blind as a bat, as long as you look good in glasses! I do tend to like em older. I’m 28—29 soon—and I don’t want them no younger then 37. Hell, 50’s good for me too, depending on how he looks at 50! Big hand, big feet and laughing eyes. I guess, Physically, I want a Mandingo.

Mental— Oh my God…if you’re a stupid, thugged out, snoop dog wanna be, stay the fuck away from me! A little game and street smarts is kool—hell, in today’s world you need it, but if its your whole life—stay away—I mean it. And all those Master P and Hotboys Lovers—same thing. That whole mentality is a fucking turn off to me. If you gonna be about that, at least listen to the real shit—Ice Cube in the 80’s, early 90, Outkast, and of course vintage Eightball and MJG.

I want a Intelligent man…hell…I need one. You have to be on your game with me because I’ll walk all over a mentally weak man and never know I was standing on him. If he let me do that, what you’re telling me is that I have another kid to raise and its out the door with you. 10 and 14 is enough. I refuse to raise a man too. I want someone that’s as free with his laughter as he is with is time. I love a good joke and tell some of the raunchiest ones I can think of. If he can laugh at my perverted mind, then a good time will be had by all. I want someone to challenge me, that will pick up a book and read. Someone that can have a conversation about Comic books as easily as he could Politics. I guess I want a man that’s a bit of a fanboy! Anything that can keep me on my toes is a plus!

Spiritual— Well, Spirituality is such a personal thing and how dare I presume to say, “Well he has to be a Christian!” I believe whatever you believe in is your business and do whatever as long as you don’t try to force it, or try and convert me to it. It would be nice if he was a Christian and loved the Lord, but you never know who you’ll fall in love with or what he or she believes. But to me a man that’s spiritually motivated is attractive as hell.'s that for deep?

[ 01-09-2003, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: Princess Koriand'r ]

#42921 2003-01-09 6:44 AM
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I also like people that are close to their families and have close friends. I don't tend to do well dating loners, I'm too outgoing.

Hmmm...I think that covers it.[/QB]

See now this is what I never understand.

You're not dating the dude's MOM. Or his friends. Or even his goddamm dog. What I always notice about girls is they want to make sure the guy's not a "loner" (ie loser cause i think that's what you really mean [wink] ) but then once they grab him, it's like they don't want any friend or family coming near him, or it's "You're not paying any more attention to me" kinda stuff.
I said it once and I'll say it again: guerilla tactics. [biiiig grin]

#42922 2003-01-09 8:18 AM
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Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
The darker, the better …I’m talking about a straight up slave Black brotha. 11:59-12:01—before and after midnight black brother. I want him so dark, that if I placed him on some black satin sheets, I’d need an ultra violet light to find his ass!

Light-skinned ain't gonna work, huh?

I love a tall brotha. Bald men almost always gets the booty and I want them with some weight on him! Don’t come running up to me if you weigh 95 pounds soaking wet, standing under a waterfall with bricks in your pocket. You need to at least be 250-300 pounds and 6’3.
Damn Kori, you better start scouting the NFL!

That’s a brother that can pick you up, lay you on the bed and show you who’s master. A nice set of lips and glasses. I think a man that wears glasses are handsome. You could be blind as a bat, as long as you look good in glasses!
Finally, something in my favor! I think I qualify as a full-lipped, glasses-wearing masterful fornicator!

I do tend to like em older. I’m 28—29 soon—and I don’t want them no younger then 37. Hell, 50’s good for me too, depending on how he looks at 50! Big hand, big feet and laughing eyes.
My body may be 20, but my mind's already 37! Plus, I got size 13 feet if that helps.

I guess, Physically, I want a Mandingo.

So you want a foul-mouthed, middle-aged, tall, large-appendaged, 300 pound Mandingo with a penchant for comics and politics, who happens to be bald, wear glasses well, has a steel trap mind, talks to God, and dominate you till you're unconscious?

#42923 2003-01-09 5:12 PM
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The Pysical: It's hard to say what I look at first on a guy (other than his face). I guess you'd have to ask me right after I meet someone for the first time. However, that's not to say that I don't mind looking at a pleasing face. Those guys who are "pretty boys" are nice to look at but that's about it. I think most of the guys I've dated have been "average" to "slightly above average" in the looks department.

The eyes are key though. There have been people I've met (male and female) who I just cannot look in the eye. There's something about them that throws me off and it truly makes me uncomfortable. But then again, if you've got great eyes...I wouldn't mind looking at them until I was told to stop. [wink]

I have a thing for guys with dark looks (hair and eyes, but I like all eye colors) but do find the occasional blonde to be attractive. I still have yet to meet a guy with red hair that I thought was anything more than "okay" in the looks department. Not fair, I know, but it's true.

I'm not too fond of facial hair, but if a guy has the right type for his face and it looks good on him, then that's cool. Just be warned, I get that "beard burn" on my face pretty easily...not to mention around the lips if we're having a heavy make-out session. So, if you're clean shaven...make sure you keep it up or I'm gonna be in for some major discomfort. [wink]

As for body type...I don't mind thin to slightly large. But if you're so thin, that I'd have to worry about breaking you in half, then're too thin for me. And that "ripped look" that a lot of girls are crazy, that just scares me. Muscle definition is all well and good, but when you go too far...well that's too scary for me.

I'm not too tall (5'4.5") it doesn't take much for a guy to be taller than me...and that's something that I really, really like. It could be because I'm drawn (visually) to the guy who's tall, but there's just something about a tall man (5'10" +) that does it for me.

I've also got this quirk about arms. Nicely, formed and defined (but not too big) arms = great hugs, snuggling time and well, just feels good under your hand.

The Mental: Like all the ladies have said, if you can't hold a conversation then you may as well keep on walking because I don't have the time. Education is good...and I would hope that anyone I got involved with, has at least graduated from High School. That doesn't mean that I like the stiff types though. A guy has to have a sense of humor...and even if some of my jokes are lame, well at least tell me so and then chuckle or something. [wink] I love to laugh, and if you can't laugh then I don't know how well we'd get along in the long run.

And even though I'm into comics, sci-fi and some sports...that had better not be the only topics you can discuss...because if it, you're gonna be talking to yourself a lot.

The Spritual: If you're spiritual, that's fine. But if you try and force it upon me (or my family) then forget it. About the only thing I believe in, is that there's some kind of God out there...maybe. I don't really practice specific type of religion and I haven't gone to church on a regular basis since I was in the 5th grade. However...if I met, and fell in love with a Catholic guy...I don't know that I'd convert. I'm not big on that...but I guess that would all depend on the situation now wouldn't it?

Hmm...I guess that's all for now...

#42924 2003-01-09 5:53 PM
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Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
And my IQ's 190. So there.

Kidding, kidding!

We would not be surprised, in all honesty, judging from the quality of your writing. I myself prefer not to have my intellectual capacity reduced to a number. [mwah hwah haa]

#42925 2003-01-09 10:28 PM
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Originally posted by TK-069:
Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
The darker, the better …I’m talking about a straight up slave Black brotha. 11:59-12:01—before and after midnight black brother. I want him so dark, that if I placed him on some black satin sheets, I’d need an ultra violet light to find his ass!

Light-skinned ain't gonna work, huh?
Hey, I'm not ruling a Light-skinned brother out. If he can come at me right, then he has a great chance.

I love a tall brotha. Bald men almost always gets the booty and I want them with some weight on him! Don’t come running up to me if you weigh 95 pounds soaking wet, standing under a waterfall with bricks in your pocket. You need to at least be 250-300 pounds and 6’3.
Damn Kori, you better start scouting the NFL![/qb][/QUOTE]

Oh, these brothers are around, but for some reason...they run from little ole me. Go figure.

That’s a brother that can pick you up, lay you on the bed and show you who’s master. A nice set of lips and glasses. I think a man that wears glasses are handsome. You could be blind as a bat, as long as you look good in glasses!
Finally, something in my favor! I think I qualify as a full-lipped, glasses-wearing masterful fornicator![/qb][/QUOTE]

Baby...I'm sure you do!

I do tend to like em older. I’m 28—29 soon—and I don’t want them no younger then 37. Hell, 50’s good for me too, depending on how he looks at 50! Big hand, big feet and laughing eyes.
My body may be 20, but my mind's already 37! Plus, I got size 13 feet if that helps.[/qb][/QUOTE]

But do the feet match know....skilz!

I guess, Physically, I want a Mandingo.

So you want a foul-mouthed, middle-aged, tall, large-appendaged, 300 pound Mandingo with a penchant for comics and politics, who happens to be bald, wear glasses well, has a steel trap mind, talks to God, and dominate you till you're unconscious?[/qb][/QUOTE]Basicly...yes.

[ 01-11-2003, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Princess Koriand'r ]

#42926 2003-01-09 11:52 PM
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You know, Ms. Kenya brings up a good wearing glasses...oh, incredibly sexy! But only if they're the right frames for his face...that's key.

I also happen to have a thing for men when they're dressed up...and have a fantastic ass in a pair of pants and suspenders.

#42927 2003-01-10 12:29 AM
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Originally posted by La Machine:

I also like people that are close to their families and have close friends. I don't tend to do well dating loners, I'm too outgoing.

Hmmm...I think that covers it.

See now this is what I never understand.

You're not dating the dude's MOM. Or his friends. Or even his goddamm dog. What I always notice about girls is they want to make sure the guy's not a "loner" (ie loser cause i think that's what you really mean [wink] ) but then once they grab him, it's like they don't want any friend or family coming near him, or it's "You're not paying any more attention to me" kinda stuff.
I said it once and I'll say it again: guerilla tactics. [biiiig grin] [/QB]

True, I'm not dating the "dude's" mom, and I said nothing about what his family has to be like, I just think it's nice if they have a good relationship with their family. Someone family oriented, because someday I want to have a family.
And as for the comments about not wanting a guy to be with his friends, sound like someone did a number on you one time honey! Cuz that is not me at all. Guys I date go out with their friends and I expect to be able to go out with my friends no questions asked. Personally, I like a guy who goes out with his buddies once in a while, cuz it drives me nuts to be with someone 24/7, everyone needs a break now and then and too much togetherness can be a BAD thing (learned that by letting a BF move in...killed the relationship in a month!)

#42928 2003-01-10 12:35 AM
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Originally posted by Bianca:
[b] I still have yet to meet a guy with red hair that I thought was anything more than "okay" in the looks department. Not fair, I know, but it's true.

I used to think the same thing till I dated this Irishman (accent and all)....yum...and he was a bricklayer so he had those arms you talk about...double, sorry [gulp!]

#42929 2003-01-10 12:37 AM
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Originally posted by Kimi:
I used to think the same thing till I dated this Irishman (accent and all)....yum...and he was a bricklayer so he had those arms you talk about...double, sorry [gulp!]

Well, I still have yet to meet a full-blooded Irishman...and I'm sure I'll be changin' my tune once I do... [biiiig grin]

#42930 2003-01-10 12:39 AM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
 - : shake ya ass! watch yo'self! shake ya ass!

Oh God YES!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

#42931 2003-01-10 12:43 AM
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Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:'s that for deep?[/QB]

That was deep......and it was beautiful! You go Princess!!

#42932 2003-01-10 12:47 AM
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...I'm gonna have to think on this one for a while! I'll put in my two cents soon!

#42933 2003-01-11 4:37 AM
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Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
I actually had to sit down and think on this for a while. Its been so long since I even allowed myself to think so far ahead that I’ve kinda forgotten…no, wait, that’s the wrong word. My want’s have changed. What I used to want/need no longer applies to the Kenya I am now. So here goes.

What I want and what I need are two different categories.

Naturally, I want Michael Dorn and Christopher Judge but ass naked on my bed fighting to pleasure me. However, what I need is a man that’s a rock.

I got a ton of serious shit going on with me so I need someone that’s serious. He has to like Kids—because I have two—and not want them himself—because I’ve had a hysterectomy. If he has kids already then that’s perfect. I happen to think I’d make a cool Step-Mama! I need someone that can live with the reality of Cancer. It’s not guaranteed I’ll be here in 6 days or 6 years and if something should happen to me, then I would like my other half to be able to hold the fort down, raise my kids, and take care of my mother if need be. See what I mean? I can’t have a childish, immature man around me playing and shit. I’m too old and my situation too urgent for me to be dealing with a crazy mutherfucker. I need someone that can tolerate my hobbies, someone that won't mind—too much—that he has competition from the Internet, or from Anime, or Star Trek, Stargate and all the other fandom I participate in. I’m so used to being the absolute law in my house that I’m often hard to deal with. And as a Strong Black Sista, I often crave someone to take over. Not that I’m weak, but that wasn’t the job God put me here for. It’s good to let the man be the man! I need someone to lean on, someone to give the weight too when I can no longer bare, someone to nurture—I’m ready for he softer side of being a Woman. As much as sista’s hate to acknowledge it, it is a Man’s world and frankly I’m tired of fighting for every little thing. I will, because I have too. Doormat is not my name, but I would be wonderful to say just once, “Honey—soandso did this today!” and have him rushing up there to kick some ass. Having someone to fight some battles is wonderful. I need a strong, solid brother. One that’s as enduring as the mountains and as deep as the ocean, because its gonna take a certain kind of man to deal with ME!

OH! And he has to be able to make me cum!!! I’m still waiting men! I haven’t given up, but if this keeps up, I’m gonna start hitting on Butter and Bianca like the rest of you guys! [biiiig grin]

Physical— Like the men say, looks shouldn’t matter, but we as people are vain and likes what looks good. For me, it’s a little half and half. I like those types of brotha that so ugly he looks good! You know what I mean—those Wesley Snipes and Laurence Fishburn types. The physical is what I notice first, but it’s not what makes me go “okay…yeah…this brother is a keeper.” It’s usually the finest men that fucks around and opens their mouth and turn me off. Quickly. Like someone just flipped a light switch.

Anyway, I’ve digressed.

I love any nationality, and find myself attracted to plenty, but there is something about my dark skinned brotha’s that makes me want to go things to them that would shock their mother. The darker, the better. I’m not talking chocolate…I’m not even talking Crayon colored brown…I’m talking about a straight up slave Black brotha. 11:59-12:01—before and after midnight black brother. I want him so dark, that if I placed him on some black satin sheets, I’d need an ultra violet light to find his ass! I love a tall brotha. Bald men almost always gets the booty and I want them with some weight on him! Don’t come running up to me if you weigh 95 pounds soaking wet, standing under a waterfall with bricks in your pocket. You need to at least be 250-300 pounds and 6’3. That’s a brother that can pick you up, lay you on the bed and show you who’s master. A nice set of lips and glasses. I think a man that wears glasses are handsome. You could be blind as a bat, as long as you look good in glasses! I do tend to like em older. I’m 28—29 soon—and I don’t want them no younger then 37. Hell, 50’s good for me too, depending on how he looks at 50! Big hand, big feet and laughing eyes. I guess, Physically, I want a Mandingo.

Mental— Oh my God…if you’re a stupid, thugged out, snoop dog wanna be, stay the fuck away from me! A little game and street smarts is kool—hell, in today’s world you need it, but if its your whole life—stay away—I mean it. And all those Master P and Hotboys Lovers—same thing. That whole mentality is a fucking turn off to me. If you gonna be about that, at least listen to the real shit—Ice Cube in the 80’s, early 90, Outkast, and of course vintage Eightball and MJG.

I want a Intelligent man…hell…I need one. You have to be on your game with me because I’ll walk all over a mentally weak man and never know I was standing on him. If he let me do that, what you’re telling me is that I have another kid to raise and its out the door with you. 10 and 14 is enough. I refuse to raise a man too. I want someone that’s as free with his laughter as he is with is time. I love a good joke and tell some of the raunchiest ones I can think of. If he can laugh at my perverted mind, then a good time will be had by all. I want someone to challenge me, that will pick up a book and read. Someone that can have a conversation about Comic books as easily as he could Politics. I guess I want a man that’s a bit of a fanboy! Anything that can keep me on my toes is a plus!

Spiritual— Well, Spirituality is such a personal thing and how dare I presume to say, “Well he has to be a Christian!” I believe whatever you believe in is your business and do whatever as long as you don’t try to force it, or try and convert me to it. It would be nice if he was a Christian and loved the Lord, but you never know who you’ll fall in love with or what he or she believes. But to me a man that’s spiritually motivated is attractive as hell.'s that for deep?

That is deep. I have an "I need to be honest and get this out" reply, so bear with me:

I love kids. I try to help out my 13 year old sister any way that I can and although I don't see my 3 year old cousin as often as I'd like, we make the most of our time together. (She can be a ham sometimes, but I only love her for it.) I even spent a summer as a day camp counselor (according to the group I had, "The bestest counselor in the world!"). As far as conception goes, it doesn't matter if I don't, just as long as I have a loving family to come home to. If a child calls me "daddy" in a serious context, that's my child and I love them. I'm going to guide them through life to the best of my abilities, regardless of DNA.

In terms of relationships, I'm a bit of a contradiction to what you said. I've been called sexy (a lot, plus I look good in glasses), but I absolutely refuse to be a player. To be honest, I never really understood players. Why would anyone fuck around and risk losing a good thing? [izzat so?] I don't play those games. Either we're lovers or we're friends, no in between and no one else on the side. I need someone who can appreciate what we'd have.

Intellectually speaking, I'm not gonna pretend to be a thug. Don't get me wrong, I do listen to Outkast, Cube, Nas, LL, all the vintage A Tribe Called Quest and N.E.R.D (the Neptunes' group) among others, but I won't get anywhere in this life if I let myself get caught up in the thug mentality and robbed of my identity. I have my own life and my own viewpoints, be it on the current situation in North Korea or the way DK2 ended.

In terms of spirituality, I was raised in a Christian household. I am a Christian, no ifs; ands, or buts about it. I believe there is a higher calling and there's a greater purpose in life than the daily grind. That belief is part of what drew me into comics.

As far as hobbies go, I'm not all that different. I'm especially a sucker for anime. Just tell me what the show's about, show me an episode and I'm hooked. In some cases, I may even wind up liking the show so much that I'll take up the hobbies of my favorite character! I kid you not. Bruce Lee, DB/Z/GT, Street Fighter: the movie (the anime one, not the live-action crapfest) and kung fu movies are the reasons I took up the martial arts. Any hobby which involves creative writing is one I'll gladly participate in.

There are cons which, depending on your viewpoint, could overshadow the pros. I'm ruled out by age and (for the most part) the physical description. I'm 5'10", light-skinned and I'm only 21 years of age. I'm not bald, I wear a Caesar fade. Aside from the goatee, I have the same face I did at 17 and despite all the muscle building, I'm only 160 pounds.
I've never made love to a woman. I've always adhered to the belief that's it's better to wait and make love to the woman you love than to just break somebody off. (Although I probably could pick you up and lay you on the bed. If you were willing to guide me the first time, it wouldn't be long before I learned how to thoroughly pleasure you...) In addition, the majority of my finances are currently going towards my college education. In that regard, 2005 just isn't close enough. Right now the only things I really have to offer are my time, my aspirations, my culinary skills and my unyielding fidelity.

On a related note:
Hypothetically speaking, if we were together, I could deal with the reality of Cancer. I've lost a cousin to the disease, so I have before. It took me 21 years to find you and I wouldn't let the disease stop me from appreciating what we have.

[ 01-10-2003, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: (young) Nightwing ]

#42934 2003-01-10 6:45 PM
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Cowgirl Jack, I must apologize for incorrectly writing your username. I looked back at that and realized how I messed up. Forgive me. And yes, reducing wisdom to numbers is not such a brilliant thing to do, but I realized in conversations, some girls don't like deep conversation and some hate the idea that they might not be the totally dominant individual in a date or relationship, seeing it as a competition between the battle of the sexes. You know, "I refuse to in anyway seem inferior" and if so, then the guy is automatically an asshole and must be dismissed.

I am willing to lose at pool, and other meaningless games and let my dates have the choice of what they want to do when we go out, but my mind is my mind, and I can't help what I think. Can't dumbify myself. Sorry, just thinking about how your post brought back some bad memories.

Bianca. You make me so damn horny. I need to spank it.

#42935 2003-01-10 9:45 PM
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It's okay. I was just taking a stab at some humor. And I'm sorry I called you Soy Boy.

Are we friends now? [cool]

#42936 2003-01-10 11:38 PM
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well done ladies........ya'll got a head on ya shoulders........lot of good responces.

#42937 2003-01-11 2:51 AM
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Eh lots of people call me Soyboy. We're friends now. So can I come over to your house and play doctor?

#42938 2003-01-11 4:24 AM
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Originally posted by Kimi:
Originally posted by La Machine:

I also like people that are close to their families and have close friends. I don't tend to do well dating loners, I'm too outgoing.

Hmmm...I think that covers it.

See now this is what I never understand.

You're not dating the dude's MOM. Or his friends. Or even his goddamm dog. What I always notice about girls is they want to make sure the guy's not a "loner" (ie loser cause i think that's what you really mean [wink] ) but then once they grab him, it's like they don't want any friend or family coming near him, or it's "You're not paying any more attention to me" kinda stuff.
I said it once and I'll say it again: guerilla tactics. [biiiig grin]

True, I'm not dating the "dude's" mom, and I said nothing about what his family has to be like, I just think it's nice if they have a good relationship with their family. Someone family oriented, because someday I want to have a family.
And as for the comments about not wanting a guy to be with his friends, sound like someone did a number on you one time honey! Cuz that is not me at all. Guys I date go out with their friends and I expect to be able to go out with my friends no questions asked. Personally, I like a guy who goes out with his buddies once in a while, cuz it drives me nuts to be with someone 24/7, everyone needs a break now and then and too much togetherness can be a BAD thing (learned that by letting a BF move in...killed the relationship in a month!)[/QB]

No one ever "pulled a number" on me (at least not that kind), but maybe it's just cause of university life and the fact that I see too many needy college girls that latch onto my boys (and girls too heh it is college) that I assume that is the way most women act towards a guy's friend and family structure. And yeah I see wayyyy too many couples that once they get serious they shut themselves in and NEVER come out, unless it is with OTHER couples! [izzat so?]
Madness. Sheer madness.

Oh and yNightwing? Tribe Called Quest and Nas RULE! Q-Tip is one of my top three favorite rappers ever. You should pick up (if you haven't already) Fifty Cents. He is dirty! Sick Dirty! He's already up there in my opinion with Nas, Jada, and Jay Z. Soon he'll join ranks of Biggy and 2Pac, guarantee it! A little too much ghetto for me, but his lyrics are tight. He is one sharp dude.
Go get him. :)

#42939 2003-01-11 7:41 PM
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Originally posted by Sonhaven:
well done ladies........ya'll got a head on ya shoulders........lot of good responces.


#42940 2003-01-11 7:53 PM
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Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
As far as hobbies go, I'm not all that different. I'm especially a sucker for anime. Just tell me what the show's about, show me an episode and I'm hooked. In some cases, I may even wind up liking the show so much that I'll take up the hobbies of my favorite character! I kid you not. Bruce Lee, DB/Z/GT, Street Fighter: the movie (the anime one, not the live-action crapfest) and kung fu movies are the reasons I took up the martial arts. Any hobby which involves creative writing is one I'll gladly participate in.

I think I just found a new person to corrupt! [woooOOOOoooo!]

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
There are cons which, depending on your viewpoint, could overshadow the pros. I'm ruled out by age and (for the most part) the physical description. I'm 5'10", light-skinned and I'm only 21 years of age. I'm not bald, I wear a Caesar fade. Aside from the goatee, I have the same face I did at 17 and despite all the muscle building, I'm only 160 pounds.

Look, when I was talking about the whole "Dark Skinned Brother" thing, I was stating what I really enjoy physically--not who I expected to end up with. I would be pretty stupid to limit myself to just one thing. Nothing is ruled out in the game of love. Besides, my first love was a Black/Indian mix and that broter was pale. To bad he was such a fucking whore! But I do like em older, at least older then me.

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
I've never made love to a woman. I've always adhered to the belief that's it's better to wait and make love to the woman you love than to just break somebody off.

See--thats the idea, but more often then not, hormones kicks you in the ass, or you get curious, or stupid and then you give it up. A male that's a virgin is rare indeed, but at least you got it together in that sense. Some lucky woman is gonna have loads of fun teaching ya!

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
Although I probably could pick you up and lay you on the bed.

[woooOOOOoooo!] :lol:

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
In a related note: Hypothetically speaking, if we were together, I could deal with the reality of Cancer. I've lost a cousin to the disease, so I have before. It took me 21 years to find you and I wouldn't let the disease stop me from appreciating what we have.

I'm sorry for your loss honey, Cancer is sometimes harsher on the family then the paitent. I an do believe you have what it takes to to cope.

#42941 2003-01-12 9:33 PM
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Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
A nice set of lips and glasses. I think a man that wears glasses are handsome. You could be blind as a bat, as long as you look good in glasses!

oh yeah....
a great set of lips is a MUST! I love to kiss, kiss, kiss!

I love a man who wears glasses!!

#42942 2003-01-13 5:57 AM
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I can't wait till the NB Con!

#42943 2003-01-13 11:34 AM
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[woooOOOOoooo!] lol!

#42944 2003-01-13 10:19 PM
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[woooOOOOoooo!] [woooOOOOoooo!] [woooOOOOoooo!]

#42945 2003-01-16 2:33 PM
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I guess we did a pretty good job if you guys don't have any more questions. LOL

Yeah, that's right...women rock! [biiiig grin]

#42946 2003-01-16 3:27 PM
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Yeah! Yall know the Women know how to hold down the fortress! Either that or we gave em more honestly then they can handle! [biiiig grin]

#42947 2003-01-16 3:51 PM
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Could be,seeing how honesty & women rarely mix. [wink]

#42948 2003-01-16 7:36 PM
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Originally posted by allan1:
Could be,seeing how honesty & women rarely mix. [wink]

(In obnoxious, AC Slater voice) Nice one, dude!

I have a quesion. Have any of you girls ever given out your phone number to a guy with the full intent that when he calls you will NOT make plans, nor call him back?
Just wondering... [nyah hah]

#42949 2003-01-16 8:46 PM
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Originally posted by La Machine:
I have a quesion. Have any of you girls ever given out your phone number to a guy with the full intent that when he calls you will NOT make plans, nor call him back?
Just wondering... [nyah hah]

I have never given my phone number (any of them) to someone if I wasn't interested in them. What's the point of doing that?

A friend of mine is guilty of this. All a guy has to do is ask, and she'll give it....but she almost, always, never wants to. **shakes head** I just don't understand sometimes.

#42950 2003-01-16 8:56 PM
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Originally posted by Bianca:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by La Machine:
I have never given my phone number (any of them) to someone if I wasn't interested in them. What's the point of doing that?

Your a good woman, Bianca. Playing games like that is hurtful and a waste on time...................Not that its ever happened to me................. [um....  uh huh! ...  ] .................recently.

#42951 2003-01-19 2:13 PM
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Greetings all! Now that my internet has graced me with its presence, I've returned. Thought I would put my two cents in..

Things I look for in a person (now remember I am bi-sexual so I have different things I look for in different genders).

Physical- I am shallow to a point, I will admit it. I look for someone who is physically attractive. I'm not looking for a Brad Pitt, however the Elephant man does nothing for me as well. What really gets me is someone who obviously care about their appearance. Nice clothes, clean hair, clean fingernails, etc. I'm partial to goatees and glasses and medium hair (like John Lennon length). Eyes are usually the first to catch my attention.

Mental- I need someone who will keep me mentally stimulated as well as physically. I need someone I can discuss an arrange of topics with. Everything from The meaning of life to the funny comerical with the sales monkey in it. I dated someone that wasn't as intelligent as myself (or at least he never let on he was) and it was a borning relationship. I'm not brilliant by any means, I'm just saying someone to hold an intelligent conversation with is quite fullfilling. If the person has passed the physical and fails the menatl, they arenot for me.

Spiritual- I am quite spiritual,. I don't expect others to be, but what I do ask is that you are tolerant of my religion (I'm Wiccan) I've dated people who have persecuted my belies and that never lasted long. If you want to learn about it fine. I'm not going to push my religion on you, please don't do it to me and just understand that this is a part of what makes me me. If you can do that, then we may have to talk.

The difference for womean?
-All of the above, long hair and big boobs. ( o Y o )

[biiiig grin]

"Types" of guys I like (to sterotrype ya'll)
-Clean Goth boy - No saftey pins or rip fishnets please. I like a man who wears dark colors, contemplates the mystery of life, writes )or appreciates) poetry and art, may play an instrament. Goatee and glasses are a plus.
-Biker boy- Not throttle junkie, not looking to go fast on the street (but in bed...)but someone who appreciates going for a long crusie on a bike (either on ours or on mine).. Someone who if we were on a trip would have mapped out our route to pass all the Harley-Davidson dealers on the way.

*Roleplaying is always a point booster, especially Vampire and Mage. Double points for Wraith. Not talk LARP!!! We are talking table top.

Just a few ideas off the top of my head.

Any questions?

[ 01-19-2003, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Stareena ]

#42952 2003-01-19 2:15 PM
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Originally posted by Bianca:
Originally posted by La Machine:
I have a quesion. Have any of you girls ever given out your phone number to a guy with the full intent that when he calls you will NOT make plans, nor call him back?
Just wondering... [nyah hah]

I have never given my phone number (any of them) to someone if I wasn't interested in them. What's the point of doing that?

A friend of mine is guilty of this. All a guy has to do is ask, and she'll give it....but she almost, always, never wants to. **shakes head** I just don't understand sometimes.

Suggest this:
If a guy insists on her number and no won't cut it (either she can't say it or he won't take it) have her give the following number:
It's what I do in that situation.

(Sing everyone 8-6-7-5-3-0-9)

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