
rex said:
This is a list of things everyone needs to stop arguing over right now.

okay, let's see.

Communism does not work.

Communism works in theory but doesn't work in practice due to the nature of government and the corruption of leaders at the top.

Bush did not cause 9-11.

perhaps. perhaps not. but there are a lot of unanswered questions that raise suspicion about what the government knew ahead of time and allowed to happen.

reagan did not spread AIDS or give out crack.

AIDs is just a theory, and a wild one at that. but there is ample evidence that the CIA has been involved in the distribution of crack, heroin, and other various drugs.

Bush won the last two elections. Get over it.

Bush "won" the 2000 election based on a technicality and saw it as a "mandate."

Hippies are weak parasites that mooch off stronger people and therefore worthless.

"Hippies" as you clump every protestor/dissident/activist together would include the founding fathers and Jesus.

Bow ties are coool.