
Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)

Im saying all this is cause i didnt get treatment in the US when i was ill cause i couldnt afford it, but i got it in Canada. So unless u walked in my shoes u dont understand.

Gotcha. I don't know how it makes you feel. Fair enough. I don't. That's a good argument by itself. Just don't start making big, sweeping assertions unless you have something objective to back them up with. Your personal experience is compelling enough on its own, but it's not going to offset the statistical evidence for or against the practicality of socialized healthcare.

fair enough, but i still believe social healthcare will save the little guy