
rex said:
Here's a couple more,

oh, good.

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Socialism is quite different from communism. I'd like you to compare the healthcare and education systems of socialist vs. capitalist countries before you start saying which is better.

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.


The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

Several pre-9/11 statements show that several large US Oil companies were unhappy with the Taliban because it gave them trouble with building the oil pipeline. Since the whole point of that war was to get Osama, but now he's still out there but we're building that pipeline (and the opium trade/warlords are growing there), I'd hardly call that war justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Only if you justify it by saying we were cleaning up a mess that we made, since we helped to consolidate Saddam's power in the first place. Also, Iraq was switching its trade from dollars to the Euro, so if the UN sanctions were lifted, Iraq's oil being paid with Euros would have seriously undercut the dollar and destablized US strength and influence.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Prove it.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.


Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

Only because the media doesn't treat it seriously and the police now use too much force to subdue protestors.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.


Schools need to be accountable for their spending.


We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

or maybe the focus should be on asking why people are coming here in the first place. why are their countries so poor that they need to come here? why are their countries so horrible that they need to come here?

Bow ties are coool.