
Matter-eater Man said:
who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I think what really happened here is that, since this was the world's first democratically elected goverment, and Chile was a fairly stable country (before you fucked it up for our own good, I mean), the circusmtances to find out if communism would really work under ideal conditions were finally given, and you were so scared that the answer might be yes ...


thedoctor said:
Nice way of distorting Mxy's quote. Too damned bad that's not what he meant and only how you decided to take it.

Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.