
gundamwingpilot said:
If your so against social services, i wonder whose gonna pay for your medical bill if anything happens to you. Dumb red neck white guy.

This is funny because it shows how much you damn dirty hippies rely on teh Dole to bail your asses out all the time. You said you "wonder" well alow the wondering tho cease because recently my family DID have something happen. My wife was injured recently and had to go to the emergency room and guess who paid for it..... WE DID. Is that really that difficult of a concept for you to understand? If YOU were to have a medical emergancy , you know who would pay for it? ME and PJP and r3xtardd (r3xtardd by proxy in that PJP would be able to pay him a little more than his meager pittance if he wasn't paying for your lazy no working ass). Just out of curriosity, where do you think the government gets it's money? The government gets money by taking it away from from the productive members of society.

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