
klinton said:

rex said:
The only way socialism works is if they mooch off a capitalist country. What countries have made the largest contributions to science, medicine and technology? Not the socialist ones. What countries can defend themselves against evil terrorists? Not the socialist ones. Any type of government that limits some ones free speech and desire to do better in life is wrong.

You stupid, ignorant fuck. You wanna talk mooching? Check the American import vs. export ratio, and couple that with the national debt load. Take a look at most of the leading advances in medicine lately...they don't come stateside. And you'll note that us socialist countries don't need to defend ourselves from 'evil' terrorists, as they are more interested in pompus fucks like you...when they're not just made up boogymen trotted out at your administration's convenience. And here in Canada we enjoy free speech to extents that you repressed fucks can't even begin to comprehend. Protesting in Canada works, and brings change. No one is above public scrutiny here (witness the ongoing sponsorship hearing as we speak).

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

The Canuck Avenger emerges from hiding to hurl fecal matter with mighty vehemence.


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