
the G-man said:

Then why does nearly anyone who can afford it come from Canada to the United States for medical treatment?

Because they don't wish to wait on a list. It's not a matter of mooching, as they are encouraged by these facilities to come, as they can't be bothered treating thier own countrymen with no cash.


And, of course, there's the whole issue of whether or not Canada could exist in its current form if its only land neighbor was anything other than the United States. For example, what would Canada's military have to be like if it didn't border a friendly superpower?

I'll agree with you there. This has been, until recent years, a huge element in the formation of our system. But if you really want to go there, we can discuss the concessions granted you by us that even let your country exist to begin with.


How are those Quebec separatist these days?

And you did exactly what in helping us with that situation?


Canada has had some significant issues with censorship of broadcasting, including state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speech and, of course, censorship of English in Quebec.

Nothing like the media blackouts you are party to. And state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speach....these are most often the topics of American media outlets. Everything from ball players to exposed nipples to television shows with gay content. The last time I recall anything like this was the 'Bush doll' incident. It aired as planned and the content was debated in public forums. You'll note that Don Cherry was merely chastised for his ignorance, not censored.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!