
the G-man said:

Which would appear to indicate problems with your system that are alleviated solely through, if not mooching, a certain unstated reliance on our system.

Not at all. Just the use of available resources. They would still get the treatment, they would just have to wait thier turn. If they choose to expedite the process, power to them. They do not need to turn to outside sources.


Which, again, would seem to indicate that Canada does have a certain dependence on us.

Had. This in no way applies to the current climate, wereby our administration is bullied by our 'benevolent' niebours. On the world scene, your interations with us is monitored by the world at large, most of whom respect our position...regardless of our niebours.


I'm not sure how an historical issue weighs on current dependence.

Because our beneficial relationship with you is fast becoming a footnote on historical records. Yes, you have played a positive role in helping us shape our country...as did we in your past.


Why would you want our help? That could be seen as "mooching"?

Furthermore, my point was addressed at the fact that you seemed to be implying that terrorism is caused by US actions. If that were the case, you wouldn't have terrorism in Quebec.

The initial argument was that we rely on you to protect us from terrorist threats. I was merely pointing out that the threats that Rex had in mind were of no consequence to us. Yes, the FLQ have been a pain in the ass. But in recent years, they have moved into more respectable arenas and have stated thier piece in parlement. The violent uprisings you refer to are a non-issue.


A lot of what you seem to think is government run "censorhip" in the US is actually individual station owners exercising their private right to air or not air something. That isn't censorship. Unlike a number of the incidences in Canada, in which the government was engaged in the restraint.

Furthermore, even if what you say is true, all you've done is concede that Canada isn't really the "free speech" haven that your originally made it out to be. In which case, you really dn't have any business attacking the US for its' alleged lack of free speech.

I didn't say it was government censorship...I said that it is rampant, regardless of the instigator. And I never said things are perfect here we have our issues. We just have less of them than America. Rex was saying how a socialist country represses free speach...I was saying that we are able to speak much more freely here and affect change with our opinions. If you really want to compare a case by case example of censorship in Canada vs. America, you can't possibly believe that we will come off looking bad.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!