
rex said:
Time for another rant.

How I would drastically reduce crime.
Get rid of the death penalty.
I don't think we should judge weather someone lives or dies. I would also make all rapists, murderers and pedophiles go to a hard core prison in Alaska. This way they would be afraid to commit the crime. I believe most poeple that do these crimes do not want to live. This will no longer give them an easy way out. This will also help people that have been wrongly committed of a crime. If someone is wrongly committed and proven innocent, they should be compensated in some way.

I say that I agree with all this, except for the Alaska part. There are plenty of shitty places in the US you can send them to besides Alaska. Utah, for example. Diversify.

But I do agree that, lifers especially, need to be punished as well as help pay for their incarceration. I am also a fan of the system helping out someone if it fucked up and wrongly imprisoned them.


rex said:
Open mental hospitals in prisons. This way we would get all the druggies off the street and get them cleaned up (if possible). This would go along with my belief that prisons should rehabilitate prisoners, not keep them off the street. Lifers will not get this option. You do not need to be rehabilitated if you're going to rot in prison for the rest of your life. I agree with George W Bush in that we should have faith based organizations help people recover and re-adjust to society.

I agree that simple recycling the criminals back out onto the street doesn't do much. Prisons need to deter further criminal acts by providing an undersireable environment. Couple that with a system that tries to reeducate and trains those who are to be released with how to suceed in the outside world without crime.


rex said:
I would have gangbangers and other group related criminals clean the highways. This would scare them into getting their life in order.

County jail inmates around here are often used for such labor. That in and of itself is not enought to deter future criminal activity. I think there will also have to be crime specific rehabilitation practices in conjunction with this in order to fully work.


rex said:
Get rid of any kind of video games or TV entertainment in prison. We should not have to pay to give criminals luxuries. I would still let them read certain books because I think books can really help you improve your life. If they get textbooks, they should get the outdated ones that the schools are done using.

I honestly believe if we did this it would seriously reduce crime and make life easier for everyone.

Criminals should be provided with the basics to survive: shelter, food, clothing, and medical treatment. A mind should not be able to waste away either. Books and informative periodicals should also be made available. But a criminal should not be able to watch TV or play Playstation while law abiding citizens spend all their time and money on food, rent, and clothes themselves.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."