
rex said:
How I would drastically reduce crime.
Get rid of the death penalty.

I think the death penalty should be used for serial killers. After reading a book on Ted Bundy and another on the Zodiac Killer, I think they definitely deserved death.

Open mental hospitals in prisons.

Good idea. Except I disagree about faith based groups.


I would have gangbangers and other group related criminals clean the highways. This would scare them into getting their life in order.

I think that's a good idea. Use minor criminals to save tax dollars.

Get rid of any kind of video games or TV entertainment in prison. We should not have to pay to give criminals luxuries. I would still let them read certain books because I think books can really help you improve your life. If they get textbooks, they should get the outdated ones that the schools are done using.

Definitely. TV and video games aren't helpful to rehabilitation. I think reading would help them alot. Its a solitary activity that would give them time to think and reflect and learn new things.

Bow ties are coool.