
McGurk said:

Short version:
Day 1: They say hi, you say nothing
Day 2: They say hi, you say hi back
Day 3: You say hi, they say hi back
Day 4: You say hi, they say nothing
Day 5: You say hi, they still say nothing
Day 6: You say nothing, they say nothing
Day 7: You say hi to someone else, they say hi, and you're all like "Oh no! You don't get me to fall for that again! I don't have time for this!!"
(extended versions coming soon)

Yet, we never see this "plot" in movies or television.

God, isn't that true.

That is almost EXACTLY what happened with me and Mel.

And another thing wrong with women, they're usually attracted to assholes.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!