Quote: I said: I'd like to add that if a man has to waste so much time or effort posing as someone who is "taken", let alone pay some "outgoing" cement-headed woman who can't get a real job to pose as their girlfriend/wife/date, just as part of a plan to win the affections of another woman, then the other woman isn't worthy of him. The same goes if the genders are reversed.
Did any of you see "Shallow Hal"? Unless I'm mistaken, Jill turned down Hal because he was shallow, then he met Chastity (I think that was her name) who wasn't exactly America's Top Model but had a heart of gold. They became VERY serious, then Jill suddenly tried to get Hal back. And Hal is all like "You snooze, you lose!". So, by the end of the movie, Jill's back there with New Coke, Crystal Pepsi, 7-Up Gold, the Hindenberg, the Titanic, the Edsel, the laserdisc player, Ice Cream Cones cereal, Tina Yothers, Birds of Prey tv series, the quarterly Superman: The Man of Tomorrow... Who did she think she was, anyway? Spellbinder?
This is half my life story. Many, many Jills. Is it them or is it me? Or is it a little of each? I can give a few examples if it helps...