
Cowgirl Jack said:
Rex, sorry no one acknowledges you openings doors and stuff. Usually when I'm on campus, someone opened the door to the Union for me. I always give a faint smile and a nod (I might add I always open the door for old ladies...it's corny but oh well). I do admit that for some reason it was only recently that I acknowledge men opening car doors for me. I ocassional jump out the car before realizing the guy is on his way to open the door for me. I blame it on being raised in a 'mile-a-minute' family. If your not out of the car in .0000569 of a second, you'll be locked outside of the house with the dog.

I still open doors for women even though they don't say anything. I think its the right thing to do. But I have gotten odd looks from women for doing it. But those women usually have mullets or haven't taken a shower in a couple months.
Car doors are a different matter. I know that I should be opening them, but that to me it seems too "formal" to do all the time. If I'm just running errands with her or going to the store, I probablly wouldn't do it. But if we I'm on a date I would.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.