If they're psychotic, they will first cry when you catch them, and then say "I didn't mean to deceive you." or something similar.

An accident is when you grab a small handful of ice cubes from your freezer to put in your cup/glass and one drops on your foot, or when your foot slips off the brake and hits the gas, or when you try to punch open a box of Pepsi fountain syrup and you mistakenly hit the metal bar and break your metacarpal. (I wish I didn't know that first hand)

Not that everyone's perfect, but there is such a thing as abusing the privilege. You sure wouldn't "accidentally" tell a huge lie or a series of "little white lies" to someone if you care deeply for them. It's just not logical. I'm sure I'd be on the verge of tears when first faced with the decision of having to deceive someone, or even hiding/concealing something they deserve to know, no matter how they may take it.