First Dad abandons me in a trashcan right beside the monastery, then Rob spams the shit out of the comic forum and kills Jubarg's clone - who is like a brother to me. Then Basamz retires.
It's just too much for me. It's like, the terrorists of joy have already won. So I'm using this thread to say my goodbye to all the good folks at the RKMBs...
...before they all shrivel out of my mind forever.
This is it, this is the end.
I've been here... not quite as long as everybody else, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my name. Because I'm already #14 on the top posters list and by deductive reasoning that means I am constantly talking on here and kinda hard to ignore. Or not notice.
Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my IQ has dropped since I joined Rob's louverly boards. I DO know for a fact my attention span has shortened dramatically. And frankly, I don't like this. I miss reading books and being alone with my thoughts. I don't have any self control unless I force myself to have no other option, which is the reason I'm writing this rather than just quietly dissappearing.
Goodbye, I don't think I'll be around again.
I have allowed this place to drain and rot my mind and I thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual edge I used to flaunt so effortlessly. So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen.
Some days urg makes me proud to be his friend. Then there are the days that he steals my beer and fucks my woman. Somedays he gets that backwards.-Lothar
"Those were good days. Sitting around the campfires, eating dinosaur meat, and clubbing our wimmens in the head. I dream of those days sometimes. When Urg would make speeches and lead us to victory over the neighboring tribes. Good days, man. Good days." -Grimm
She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. Groucho Marx
The first thing which I can record concerning myself is, that I was born. These are wonderful words. This life, to which neither time nor eternity can bring diminution - this everlasting living soul, began. My mind loses itself in these depths. Groucho Marx
I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30. Groucho Marx
I remember the first time I had sex - I kept the receipt. Groucho Marx
First they successfully unite the Greeks on the Peleponesse and then they conquer the Persians, then march all the way until the Indus.Then they burned Persepolis.
It's just too much for me. It's like, the terrorists of ancient history have already won. So I'm using this thread to say my goodbye to all the good folks at the classics department...
...before they all shrivel out of my mind forever.
This is it, this is the end. Does anyone have any toilet paper? I don't want to have a dirty end.
I've been here.
Not quite as long as everybody else, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my arse, from kissing it. Because I'm already on the top because who likes missionary? By deductive reasoning that means I am Sherlock Holmes. And kinda hard to ignore. Or not notice. Right? Fellas? Hello?
Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my weight has gone up since I joined Rob's sedentary boards. I DO know for a fact my wing span has shortened evolutionarily. And, Frank, I don't like this. I miss reading books and being alone.
With my thoughts. I don't have any bladder control unless I force myself. To have no other option, which is the reason I'm writing this rather than just quietly appearing.
Goodbye, I don't think I'll be around again.
I have allowed this place to drain and rot my mind and I thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual dredge I used to flap so effortlessly. So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen. Mach schnell! Guten Tag! Mein Gott! Berlin! Verdamn Amerikaners! Verboten Messerschmidt! Das Boot!
Some days urg makes me proud to be his friend. Then there are the days that he steals my beer and fucks my woman. Somedays he gets that backwards.-Lothar
"Those were good days. Sitting around the campfires, eating dinosaur meat, and clubbing our wimmens in the head. I dream of those days sometimes. When Urg would make speeches and lead us to victory over the neighboring tribes. Good days, man. Good days." -Grimm
Son of Mxy may be gone but, if he / she ever drops by for a quick peak to see who's missing her, I'd just like to thank him for introducing me to these boards!
Everyone else can BLAME her for introducing me to RKMBs!!
Itaas mo!
I like the way her cunt lips peak out of her shaven fanny!
Bill Clinton April 24, 1992 "I've said I've never broken the drug laws of my country, and that is the absolute truth." (Bill Clinton, New Orleans Times Picayune, 4/24/92)
Quote: Son of Mxy said: First Dad abandons me in a trashcan right beside the monastery, then Rob spams the shit out of the comic forum and kills Jubarg's clone - who is like a brother to me. Then Basamz retires.
It's just too much for me. It's like, the terrorists of joy have already won. So I'm using this thread to say my goodbye to all the good folks at the RKMBs...
...before they all shrivel out of my mind forever.
This is it, this is the end.
I've been here... not quite as long as everybody else, but I'm sure almost everyone knows my name. Because I'm already #14 on the top posters list and by deductive reasoning that means I am constantly talking on here and kinda hard to ignore. Or not notice.
Anyways, I'm not sure of this as a fact, but I think my IQ has dropped since I joined Rob's louverly boards. I DO know for a fact my attention span has shortened dramatically. And frankly, I don't like this. I miss reading books and being alone with my thoughts. I don't have any self control unless I force myself to have no other option, which is the reason I'm writing this rather than just quietly dissappearing.
Goodbye, I don't think I'll be around again.
I have allowed this place to drain and rot my mind and I thoroughly sick of it. I hate not having the intellectual edge I used to flaunt so effortlessly. So this is it. Auf Wiedersehen.
With regards, -Uschi Von Büccher
Sadly this is kinda legit. She only posted twice after this post. We really need him back.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.