Quote: TK-069 said: I swear he's smashing her head in!
Y'know, TK, that's not far from the truth...
That picture was taken when me 'n' my gal took my beautiful niece to Disney World. Now, understand this: I LOVE my niece. I dote on her and spoil her rotten. So, when we had the chance to take her down there, we jumped at it. What we didn't realize it:
1) This would be her first time away from her parents 2) She had never heard the word "no" before 3) She was going to be a COMPLETE pain in the ol' arse
When she wasn't complaining about what to eat and when to eat and where to go and what to do and what to see, she was sulking about EVERY decision I made. She was no problem in the lines for rides. She was great on the rides. EVERY OTHER TIME(!!!), she was a pain. At one point, we took her to the Magic Kingdom and told her "We'll do everything that you wanna do. We'll ride every ride you want. Eat at Cinderella's Castle, if you'd like. But, if we make a decision, YOU CAN'T WHINE!!! Or we'll go back to the hotel and you'll do homework until you go to bed." Sure enough, on the first ride, she threw a borderline tantrum. So, it's back to the resort, on the phone with my sister, and the demand that she talk to her daughter...I had had ENOUGH.
Don't you know, the little bitch (who is truly her mother's daughter) gets on the phone and (just before bursting into tears) says "Hi Mommy I miss YOU!!!" I wanted to bounce her off every wall in the resort. It was a cheap ploy and utter bullshit - she knew I was pissed at her, she knew she was in DEEP trouble, so she went for the sympathy ploy. I offered my sister to put her on a plane that day. Long story short: peace was restored and we made it home without any more...incidents.
While I was putting syitcases in her father's car (he was driving us home from the airport) and telling him of the HORRORS we faced, my beloved niece asked my gal "Can I come with you guys the next time you go to Disney?"
Sure, honey. Maybe when you're 21. Maybe.
(Just to let you all know. We had a great day when that pic was taken. We DID have a lot of fun. I'm just not in any rush to do it again...)
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock