Joe Mama said: Flinch was a surprisingly good anthology series. Someone once posted that the major trouble it had was that some writers would just dust off rejected concepts for the series. I think it was more a case of the editors not knowing how to promote it. But I enjoyed it - I have the full series and it's interesting how many solid witers and artists were involved, right up 'till the end.
Had it. Sold it on eBay. Decent series. As with all anthologies...was a little hit or miss. I remember enjoying some things, being bored with others. It'd be cool to see a tpb issued with New Alex Ross cover art...I think he did the first issue.
One of the better Vertigo Anthologies was called Gangland. A four issue series with mob stories. Came out in the late 90's with covers by Tim Bradstreet. Good stuff.
Oderint, dum metuant.
You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you! -USCHI showin' some love