
r3x29yz4a said:
aren't you supposed to follow ALL the commandments?

I made that statement in leiu of Pig Iron's assertion that we may be misinterpreting what day the sabbath is on. I don't find that we are, but even if that is so, our intent to keep a day holy for God, I feel, earns merit.


wanabuyamonkey did at least. On the thread where I stated Jesus was the son of the Jewish god and in fact a Jew himself. Wannabuyamokey was very adament about saying that the Jewish god was not the christian god.

I can't see the convo to make full judgement on what he was referring to, but regardless, his prerogative is his own. As a Catholic, I feel that I and the Jewish worship the same God, but follow different practices. I obviously feel that Christ is my God and is one with the Father, but Jewish feel that he is only a prophet. While I do view it as a type of heresy, their belief in the Father is still in accordance with ours.