
PJP said:
I agree with everything you said except the Muslim part....................those fuckers will burn in hell...........their religion preaches the end and destruction of all non-muslims.......they are preachers of hate.........but that's OK 'cause I own some guns see and if they ever comea trespassing on my yard......BAM!

That's not true. Its just as bad as the Jewish stereotypes. I've known several Muslims and had some long religious talks with them. The Muslim faith and the Qoran is at its core very similar to Judeo-Christian faiths. The problem with Muslim countries is that they haven't really evolved in their social attitudes. The Judeo-Christian societies of the middle ages were very similar in practice towards "heretics" as Muslim fanatics are today, but the secularism that evolved in Europe forced those religions to adapt. The Muslim regions in the world have also been plagued by wars (a lot of which was started by outsiders) and other crap that have limited social change.
Really you have to keep in mind that the Islamic religion isn't the problem, its the Islamic governments and the Islamic fanatics.

Bow ties are coool.