
r3x29yz4a said:
From the reading I've done (not on google before you say it) it goes.
Abraham has the covenant with god. He is essentially jewish/hebrew I suppose (it wasn't really defined, it was the only real monotheism at the time).
He has two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Ishamael is the oldest, but born from a concubine so he doesn't get the birthright (essentially to write the bible and commune with god). Isaac gets the birthright and Ishmael is exiled.

Ishmael's followers become Muslims, Isaac continues with the Jews.

Jesus is born and raised Jewish. AFTER his death, there is division in the faith over whether he is really god's son or not. So the christian faith is born.

Mohamad (I can never get the spelling right) has his talk with allah* (or an angel, I forget) in a cave and goes to Mecca and blah blah blah. To Muslims he is considered the last prophet of allah, but the jews/christians don't recognize him as such. Mohamad writes a series of reforms for the faith.

Its all the same god, just different views on what exactly god wants in the fine print of things and who god sent to deliver the fine print.

*it should be noted that "Allah" is not the name of god, its the word for god.

That's fine that you believe this, but can't you accept that this isn't what I belive and that my God, the triune God who is Father Son and Holy Ghost isn't the same God worhiped by teh Jews or Muslims. I realised you've read something else, but is it really fair to accuse every one who didn't agree with whatever you read somewhere of being foolish for not accepting it. I'm not accusing you of beng foolish for believing it, even though I believe it's patently false, because I can accept that you and I believe differently.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k