2) "You shall have no other gods besides Me... Do not make a sculpted image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
Well, the christians sure didn't follow that one.
4) "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (the version in Deuteronomy mentions "Keep" rather than "Remember")
Since you're obviously looking for a fight, I'll point out what you're blatently twisting to suit your argument. The cross is a symbol (sym·bol Pronunciation Key (smbl)
Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.) to represent our faith. The Crusifix is a Catholic symbol, not a Protistant one, get your facts straight. Yes we believe that, but we don't focus on it like Catholics do, we use either a bare cross or one with a shroud drapped across it, like the one I wear.
As for your argument of the Saboth, it can be any day of the week actually. My pastor spoke of this fairly recently, since he and any one else on the church's payroll that works weekend services, he takes Monday as his Saboth.
That all I'll say on this, I wont degrade this thread into an debate to prove you wrong, any more than I already have.
I think your Pastor is wrong on the sabbath thing and I thing God is against idols like the cross because it weakens and waters down the message much like the picture of the straight haired blue-eyed Christ. Christ was a man, but what he looked like is unimportant.