Quote: wannabuyamonkey said: 12) Thou shalt honour the Marraige covenant and keep it Holy
I believe the "adultery" commandment covers this one.
I should have been more specific i was refering to those things not covered, like honour and cherish and most of all the "to death do us part".
So you'd make divorce a violation of a Commandment?
To clarify, I'm refering to an unjustified divorce. IF someone decides to leave thier spouse over adultry or abandonment it would really fall on the head of the offending spouse to answer for the breaking of the commandment. Although the offense doesn't REQIURE seperation. When two are married they become one flesh and if a part of your body becomes infected amputation is usually the LAST option, first you would try to heal the infection. This may not be one of the 10 commandments, but it is a commandment of Jesus. "Let no man tear assunder what God has joined together."
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