After being exposed in this thread by investigative poster bsams, the Super Moderator District Supervisor has arranged a press conference for me to take questions to the media.

The pre press conference fact kit:


PrincessElisa said:
ok ok heres your proof. She goes to:
where I teach...although they haven't taken my picture yet (I replaced Krista Wilkes).

And Nastia's on this page:

Scroll down cuz shes toward the bottem (pink sweater!).

There was alot of personal student info.

When confronted here:


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
ive emailed the school. eithwer your impersonating a teacher or giving out personal info about students on the internet. either way, you are a sick woman, if you are indeed a woman.

All her posts suddenly turned to:


PrincessElisa said:
Post deleted by PrincessElisa

It is not known at this time if she was lying about being a teacher or just callously giving out personal info on minors. We do know she has a habit of talking about her poor grandma and hating black people, even at times being linked to Chris Oakley who has admitted to killing black people with his mind.

You may proceed with your questions, yes you.