
the G-man said:
Such one-party domination of any major institution is problematic in a nation where Republicans and Democrats can be found in roughly equal numbers. In academia it is scandalous.

This is nothing but arguable. "Scandolous"? Hyperbole...it's a good thing.

You advocating that Universities "purge" themselves of half of their Liberal profs in order to "balance" things out? You going to fire professors simply because of their political allegiance?

Hello, paging Hitler, a Mr. A. Hitler, please pick up the courtesy phone...(hyperbole works the other way, too)


It strangles dissent, suppresses debate, and causes minorities to be discriminated against. It is certainly antithetical to good scholarship.

"Certainly" demands empirical support. IOW, baby, PROVE IT.

I'm sorry, but this article is nothing but rhetoric and bullshit.

Universities are Liberal and have historically been populated with Liberal faculty.

If you have a professor or instructor engaging in political discrimination, then fire him/her. End of story.

We all wear a green carnation.