Quote: Animalman said: In dealing with you, it's often true.
In editing my quote, you've proved yourself an advocate of censorship. And since you're a liberal atheist....
Quote: Have you read a Dave Barry book before?
I didn't say that Dave Barry was partisan. In fact, I think he's one of the few real moderates out there. That doesn't mean a particular stand he takes or statement from him isn't patently conservative--Even if he's not totally conservative himself.
Quote: No, I made a general comment about today's political world.
Yes, a generally liberal comment that had to do with modern "extremists" and their alleged blind loyalty to the administration.
Quote: You took that general comment, and applied an extrememly specific message to it.
Stones in a glass house...
Quote: Animalman said: He was saying that the government is generally corrupt and not trustworthy.
Say what you want about me being wrong regarding exactly who are the advocates of Federal Government and who aren't, but I'm not the one who tried to impose his "generally" judgemental views towards politicians in another person's opinion. I say this in knowing that when you say "government," you mean "administration."
Quote: That's not spin. It's called giving a counter example.
No. It's not.
You used the same quote that G-man did as your basis, and then you applied an entirely different POV of what it meant while attempting to use its own criteria to justify it. That's a definite spin. A "counter example" would be pulling up an entirely different citation as a way of combating G-man's argument. Instead, you tried to use it against him.
Quote: Spin is what you and G-Man are doing: spinning the joke as a support of a political ideology. I was countering that spin with an example to the contrary, showing that you have read something into that wasn't really there.
You pretty much admitted this with your post:
"I may have over-assumed the intent of Barry--I admit I probably shouldn't have"
So, now I've had to explain humor and simple debate to you. What has happened to our education system?
See? Now you're doing it again. You're spinning my words.
I didn't admit to "reading into the something that wasn't there." If you read more thoroughly, I said that the terminology of the joke, even if not consciously backed by Barry himself, is a fundamentally conservative outlook. Furthermore, the situation with James South, shows that they're looking at it similarly, which is exactly why we're talking about censorship. You already agreed with me that we're talking more about their interpretation than we are about Barry's intent.
Quote: I didn't use the exact words "too broad". But you'd have to be either pretty stubbornly partisan or just pretty thick-headed not to get that that's what I was talking about.
If you say so....But you're wrong.
Quote: ...eh?
There are a lot of different ideas about what exactly "the government" is, and so in discussing it, there can be some cognitive dissonance there.
Stop trying to confuse the issue; "Administration" and "Federal Government" are two different terms.
If you can't understand that, then that's on you.
Quote: Yes, obviously. It was censorship, and stupid censorship.
Just not liberal censorship.
That's a double standard if I ever heard one considering you just said it was "stupid" censorship.
Quote: You said that it was too broad for me to be applying it to Bush, despite the fact that I wasn't talking about Bush,
You only assumed that the strip was from about a decade ago after I called you out on your interpretation of the strip. That would mean it was before "today's USA conservatives." i.e. It was more likely towards Carter's and Clinton's reign than any "conservative Administration" you're thinking of. Then again, it's pretty obvious whatever conservative administration you were thinking of in your first post had nothing to do with the past....
Quote: then you said in the very next post it had an "inherent" conservative lean to it.
Obviously you've never heard of an "archetype." I'm not actually saying that Barry's conservative. As I said before: A particular statement or stand on government that he makes can be conservative without him actually being totally conservative himself.
Quote: So, if it's argument for the left(one I wasn't making), it's too broad. If it's an argument for the right...it's just specific enough.
Unless you're pleaing Devil's Advocate, this statement is in and of itself an argument for the left
In any event, that all depends on what statement we're arguing over now doesn't it? It's very possible it could be. But in this case, I've already gone over how the strip's wording doesn't coencide with the left at all since "Administration" and "Federal Government" are not the same thing. Furthermore, it already been demonstrated how such a statement does fit well with conservatives. Aside from you saying, "it's general!" I haven't seen a liberal archetype that's comfortable with such a statement that's against the Federal Government.
Quote: I don't think it has a conservative lean to it because I don't think he was talking about a kind of government(i.e specifically what role the government played).