
Animalman said:
Satirization and censorship are not the same thing, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

I understand now that you believe censorship is a form of satire...


Dave Barry isn't partisan, but his jokes are?

That doesn't make much sense. Having a political tilt and being partisan aren't the same.

It wouldn't be so hard to understand if you would pay attention to when I use the term "moderate." Jim Jackson is one of the most passionate left-wingers here, but his adamance against abortion is downright conservative. Considering his overwhelming number of leftist views, you couldn't call him moderate, but this example is definitely in the same vein as most moderate cases.

You're essentially saying that Dave Barry can't have an opinion that's primarily conservative just because he's not totally conservative--Which is utter BS.


You know that, do you? Strange, considering that I pointed out the distinction in this thread.

"Infact, in today's USA, the conservatives tend to be the ones saying we should all trust the government, or, at least, the conservative administration running it."

I think the problem here is that you seem to think I'm attacking someone or some group, when I'm not. You seem so defensive about it that you're conjuring up imaginary slights where there are none. The government is not just the administration. I didn't say that, I didn't imply that. It's not true.

Actually, you did imply it. There's no evidence that you implied it knowingly, but it was implied nonetheless. For I have pointed out multiple times how you made that 'trust in conservative administration" statement in regards to Barry's comment on the "Federal Government," which, all by itself, does not allude to the administration in any way.


I really can't believe you're actually accusing me of imposing my views. Is that just what you do when you get bored? Throw that out there when you've got nothing left to say?

You said that Barry made that comment to express how governments are "generally corrupt." In contrary to your beliefs Ani, not everyone makes such sweeping generalizations about politicians before they've at least read about them. From your interpretation of that quote being a timeless illustration of what the government is (which, again, I find that you've confused with administration), it's obvious that you imposed your own opinion into Barry's words.

There's no need for an indignant tone. I think you just made a mistake.


I wasn't countering the quote...I was countering this part of G-Man's comment:

"Traditional conservatives (as well as libertarians) have tended to believe that government, at least big government, is a problem, not a solution."

Nice dodge.


If that's what you really meant, then I misinterpreted you(I wasn't "spinning" what you said). However, you were pretty vague initially, and if you had said this in the first place, I wouldn't have disagreed with you.

If so, I apologize.


You said "inherently conservative", though. If you wanted to say the comment had a conservative tilt, that would be one thing(though I'd still disagree). Saying it was inherently conservative, to me, implies its denotive of the whole(the whole in this case being Barry's political beliefs).

I think you just rounded up the phrase. Like I said, a particular opinion coined by Barry can be conservative without every view from him being as such.


Wait...so, you're agreeing with me? After all this? Because it feels like you are.

No. Because ultimately you feel the strip is more indicative of liberal standards as far as modern day politics goes whereas I think it's conservative in both past and present.


A liberal archetype? I know what an archetype is, but I'm not exactly sure what it is you're asking me to do, here.

I have never heard a card carrying liberal say that the federal government was an ultimate evil. I hear the term "government" thrown around a great deal, but beyond their complaints of how the administration maintains it, they've never said that the Federal entity in itself was "corrupt." In fact, as I pointed out earlier, Liberals are the ones that feel more and more government sanctions are required within private organizations.


When I said "kind of government", I meant the different roles it could take, while stil within the confines of federalism.


I don't get what you mean, but it's irrelevent anyway.