Your honor.....members of the jury......and members of the academy.....I would like to start by saying that the charges levied against my clients bsams and mxy have no merit and in the end will be proven beyond all reasonable doubt to be false....this is an attack on the character of two of the finest posters here at this community.....pillars of society if you will.
My clients simply were victims of circumstance. Bsams and mxy harmlessly went into a thread created by the maliscious princess. When they got there they witnessed acts so heinous and greivous they tried desperately to contact Drzsmith. Drzsmith was out of country at the time hunting big game and was unavailable for bsams and mxy are super moderators and we all know that super moderators are the real law around here......not the administrator who will remain nameless at thisrob timekamphausen. The administrator for weeks has allowed a lawlessness so despicable to take over this community that many famed posters have since left or been chased away....a travesty of course *snicker*......So with lawlessness rampant and the princess not heeding the simple requests and warnings of not one but Two super moderators the defendants felt drastic action was necessary and proceeded to Plan Alpha Omega.....which is of course the plan where they try to run someone off the boards for the sake of the community.....
Community....I want the jury to take a second and think about that community has many different faces and meanings.....but here community meant peace and harmony....witty banter amongst friends and a meeting place for colleaugues.........................the princess tried to take that away and the defendants tried to stop her....that is all.