The princess dressed ever so confidentaly in an impecible beautiful, bright, blue suit with matching dangling earrings whispers to her co-counsel, "I think we're ready to move forward." Little did the people in question realize they were dealing with a brilliant legal mind.
Before Krypton can continue the words out of his mouth, the princess arises, "If it please the court we have come to an agreement that we should continue." Pacing around the room glaring at the defendants she begins, "The accused would like you to think they were "pillars of the community" and "victims of circumstance" when they are not even close! Both Mxy and Bsams are noted for their unsavory degradation, immorality, and wickedness of the worst kind. They are not even capable of any godly, noble act of any kind as further witnesses later on shall testify.
As for the thread related to the princess in question...", she stops and folds her arms against her chest, "it all began innocently enough with a teacher proud of her student's achievements posting a thread on the rkbm's, but the defendants" (glaring ever so evily at bsams and mxy) "managed to pervert that even which was innocent by twising my words around and by making shameless, untrue allegations regarding my character. In fact..", pausing again and holding up evidence marked exhibit #1, "they even threatened to consort with the administrator of my school and have me disbarred from ever teaching again. I will later call witness after witness to attest to my character, integrity, and honesty. Then you will see who really should be at fault."
Pacing back towards the jury and the judge, she waves her hand around nonchelantly, "As for this notion of so called forwarnings by 'two super moderators' it will come to light that they never have even been endowed with such a title by Rob, G-Man, or Wednesday. In fact, the accused are so twisted the only power they possess in the real world is that over their own wicked imagination. Not happy with their boring, monotical lives, they decided one day to viciously attack me-an outstanding member of the community noted for my work with the homeless, junior high church choir, and elementary schools.
In conclusion, the only question you have to ask yourselves is why the accused would decide to turn an innocent, sweet thread," she stops and passes it towards the jury, "into a vicious attack on my character."
Walking back towards her chair she turns and tells the jury, "My co-counsel and I shall prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused have such horrendous problems they should be banned from the boards and from all interactions in real life altogether. Only years of treatment in a state asylum can help restore these two posters back to any kind of sane lifestyle."
Tossing her dark, brown hair over her shoulder she sits confidentaly back down as the jury applauds her opening statement. Leaning over towards the defendants, she whispers to Pjp, "Care for a plea bargain?" :P