We open with a videocap of HHH & Shatista from last week!
HBK makes his way to the ring!
(For those of you who dont know,he attacked Angle on Smackdown last week)
We get a recap of him being attacked by Angle last week!
HBK says he was looking forward to his match at WM with Kurt,but last week changed that!
He then shows footage of his attack on Angle last week!
He says that he is an old fart so Kurt should be scared!
He says that Angle has doubts about his own talent cause he has never fought HBK at Wrestlemania!
Angle comes up on the Titamtron.
He says he has hated HBK since 1996 cause people kept comparing him to HBK.
HE says he is better than HBK,and HBK is a big old gaylord........its true,its damn true!
He says its hard to deliver sweet chin music when your ankle is snapped in two!
HHH is walking down a corridor!