
Skanky Hemme is signing copies of her Playboy issue.
A lot of blind men are queuing up to buy a copy!

Trips is making love to his hammer & Flair looks sad!

Flair is not happy that HHH made the match with Shatista last week!
Trips tells him he made the match last week cause Flair is the best!
Flair swallows it just like Orton swallows cock!

Y2J,Benoit,Christian,Edge & Benjamin are in the office with Bisch moaning that they are in the ladder match (well Edge & Christian are moaning)
There will be a lot of money suspended above the ring!
The sixth guy is missing!
He tells everyone they will have singles matches against eachother tonight & Christian will fight the mystery sixth man!
Matt Hardy is backstage tonight so its possible its him,but I doubt it with the Edge situation!
