Back and we get to see that Hogan is in the hall of fame again!

Apparently the reason WWE has started using the name Hulk again is because a new deal has been struck with Marvel so they can use the name on future DVDs,WWE 24-7 & in the Hall of fame!

Mandy Shortone comes to the ring to talk......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Sorry,fell asleep!

He waffles about his dad & his name as the legend killer!
He says he will defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania!
The crowd boos!
It certainly prooves that Shortone is really not that over with the crowd!
More boos!

Bisch comes out!

He congratulates him on making a brave challenge!
He says it will help himself get further up the ladder!
Mandy starts saying about WCW,and how that makes Bisch a legend then RKOs him!


It certainly looks like they will return Mandy to heel status as the crowd just are not behind him,even after RKOing Bisch!

More Wrestlemania waffle!

Benoit is walking down a corridor!
