Benoit is coming to the ring!

Benjamin comes out (its a non-title match)!

The old,proper wrestling thing,then both stand up looking at eachother......crowd cheers a bit!

Both guys trade puches & slaps!
Benoit tries to suplex Benjamin over ropes but he lands on apron!
He knocks Benjamin to the floor & tries a suicide dive!
Benjamin moves & Benoit lands on the ladder *ouch*!

Two Germans to Benjamin,but he reverses the third into a roll up!
Benoit kicks out & this time hits all three suplexes!
Flying headbutt misses & Benjamin tries a roll up!

Attempted crossface reversed into a backslide!
Missed spinning heel kick from Benjamin!

Benoit locks in the crossface!
Benjamin taps out!

Fast paced match with neither wrestler made to look weak but not the great match I hoped for!

New WM ad!
Its the Undertaker as Dirty Harry!
