Back,and out comes the skank!
She says she has something important to say............I doubt it!
She calls out Trish!
Trish asks how her head is after the kick it recieved last week!
She calls her a slut again!
Skanky challenges her for the womens title at Wrestlemania!
Trish laughs at her!
Then she tells her she will end her career!
Trish accepts
She aska her what makes her think she can wrestle her & skanky tells her she has been trained by someone!
Out comes Chita.......sorry Lita!
Lita stares down Trish,then Skanky hits a twist of fate on Trish from behind!
Flair & Trips are walking down a corridor!
Bisch stops Trips from going to the ring with the sledgehammer!
He says leave the hammer or dont go to ringside!
Flair loses his bottle!