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#443226 2005-03-08 1:12 AM
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We open with a videocap of HHH & Shatista from last week!

HBK makes his way to the ring!
(For those of you who dont know,he attacked Angle on Smackdown last week)

We get a recap of him being attacked by Angle last week!

HBK says he was looking forward to his match at WM with Kurt,but last week changed that!

He then shows footage of his attack on Angle last week!

He says that he is an old fart so Kurt should be scared!
He says that Angle has doubts about his own talent cause he has never fought HBK at Wrestlemania!

Angle comes up on the Titamtron.
He says he has hated HBK since 1996 cause people kept comparing him to HBK.
HE says he is better than HBK,and HBK is a big old gaylord........its true,its damn true!

He says its hard to deliver sweet chin music when your ankle is snapped in two!

HHH is walking down a corridor!


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Shatista is on the cover of Flex magazine apparently!

HHH comes to the ring!

His opponent,Rosey comes out & headbutts Trips!

Rosey gets an early upper hand!
Rosey misses a moonsault from the second rope!
Trips tries to rape him!

He throws Rosey outside the ring then whips him into the steps!

He mounts Rosey & attempts to butt fuck him!

Spinebuster in the ring to Rosey!

Pedigree to Rosey & Trips wins 1-2-3!

Trips gets a sledghammer!

He hits Rosey in the gut with it,how the fuck did Rosey even feel that!

JR calls Trips "Mean spirited"
Thats like calling Hitler "A bit naughty"


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Skanky Hemme is signing copies of her Playboy issue.
A lot of blind men are queuing up to buy a copy!

Trips is making love to his hammer & Flair looks sad!

Flair is not happy that HHH made the match with Shatista last week!
Trips tells him he made the match last week cause Flair is the best!
Flair swallows it just like Orton swallows cock!

Y2J,Benoit,Christian,Edge & Benjamin are in the office with Bisch moaning that they are in the ladder match (well Edge & Christian are moaning)
There will be a lot of money suspended above the ring!
The sixth guy is missing!
He tells everyone they will have singles matches against eachother tonight & Christian will fight the mystery sixth man!
Matt Hardy is backstage tonight so its possible its him,but I doubt it with the Edge situation!


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Christian makes his way to the ring!
Shyton Tomko follows him like a big gay pharaoh!

His opponent,the sixth man,is Kane!

Christian attacks Kane & Tomko obviously interferes!

Christian has the upperhand,hammering away at Kane & locks in a sleeper hold until Kane falls on him!
Big bodyslam from Kane,and beckons for the chokeslam!

Christian ducks but meets a big boot for his trouble!
Kane goes to top rope,kicks Tomko who tries to stop him,misses the flying clothesline but ends up chokeslamming Christian for the win!

Tomko hits Kane with a ladder!

Kane sits up & growls a bit!

Stacey is dressing Mandy Orton cause he is too gay to dress himself!
He says he is gonna make his challenge for Wrestlemania tonight,like we dont all know who is gonna challenge!


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Oh fuck off JR & Lawler......hawking both Subway & Wrestlemania!

Y2J is on his way to the ring!
Save us from these wankers Chris!

Edge is his opponent!
Lets look for crowd signs!
"Edge speared Lita" heh!

Modified armbar from Y2J!
Edge backs Jericho into the corner but after an Irish whip Jericho applies another armbar!

Edge gets the upper hand briefly!

Chops from Jericho!
Running insuguri!
Drop kick out of the ring & then Jericho does a crossbody over the top rope!


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Back & Y2J is beating up Edge in the ring!

Y2J goes to tope rope but Edge hits him,then headbutts him!
Superplex from Edge!
Edge is up first & kicks Jericho,then baseball slides to kick him out of the ring!

Back in the ring & Edge applies his own armbar,then a facelock/sleeper type move!

Jericho gets out of it then punches Edge,but gets kneed in the gut!

Edge mocks the Jericho jove & gets hit by a nice clothesline for his trouble!

More chops from Jericho,some should barges & a DDT on Edge!
A victory roll from Jericho,but Edge rolls out!
Missile drop kick,followed by a bulldog,misses a lionsault & gets a big boot from Edge!

Jericho keeps attacking Edges arm,tries to lock in the walls of Jericho but Edge kicks him into ref,ref is down.........never seen that before!

Edge has the upperhand & beckons for a spear!
Jericho dodges spear & throws Edge between the ropes!
Edge brings the ladder into the ring!
Lionsault hits but no ref to count the pin!
Edge hits Jericho in the goolies with the ladder!
The ref crawls back in as Edge hits the Edgecution & gets the pin!

This ref getting knocked down shit is getting real fucking old!
How fucking weak are these guys?
One little bump & they are unconcious!

Coach is talking to Bisch!

In the next few weeks HHH & Shatista will get to pick eachothers opponents!


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Back and we get to see that Hogan is in the hall of fame again!

Apparently the reason WWE has started using the name Hulk again is because a new deal has been struck with Marvel so they can use the name on future DVDs,WWE 24-7 & in the Hall of fame!

Mandy Shortone comes to the ring to talk......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Sorry,fell asleep!

He waffles about his dad & his name as the legend killer!
He says he will defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania!
The crowd boos!
It certainly prooves that Shortone is really not that over with the crowd!
More boos!

Bisch comes out!

He congratulates him on making a brave challenge!
He says it will help himself get further up the ladder!
Mandy starts saying about WCW,and how that makes Bisch a legend then RKOs him!


It certainly looks like they will return Mandy to heel status as the crowd just are not behind him,even after RKOing Bisch!

More Wrestlemania waffle!

Benoit is walking down a corridor!


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Benoit is coming to the ring!

Benjamin comes out (its a non-title match)!

The old,proper wrestling thing,then both stand up looking at eachother......crowd cheers a bit!

Both guys trade puches & slaps!
Benoit tries to suplex Benjamin over ropes but he lands on apron!
He knocks Benjamin to the floor & tries a suicide dive!
Benjamin moves & Benoit lands on the ladder *ouch*!

Two Germans to Benjamin,but he reverses the third into a roll up!
Benoit kicks out & this time hits all three suplexes!
Flying headbutt misses & Benjamin tries a roll up!

Attempted crossface reversed into a backslide!
Missed spinning heel kick from Benjamin!

Benoit locks in the crossface!
Benjamin taps out!

Fast paced match with neither wrestler made to look weak but not the great match I hoped for!

New WM ad!
Its the Undertaker as Dirty Harry!


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Apparently Rosey is getting x-rays!
Not much of a superhero is he!

Bisch is holding his neck & talking to Coach!

The arabs run in moaning about not being in the ladder match!

Hassan calls Bisch gutless & the lil fella says.....huchan muchan chuchan hack,or something like that!

Smackdown recap!

Tajiri & Regal are looking at Skanky Hemmes Playboy & Trish takes it away from them!


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Back,and out comes the skank!

She says she has something important to say............I doubt it!

She calls out Trish!

Trish asks how her head is after the kick it recieved last week!
She calls her a slut again!

Skanky challenges her for the womens title at Wrestlemania!

Trish laughs at her!
Then she tells her she will end her career!
Trish accepts
She aska her what makes her think she can wrestle her & skanky tells her she has been trained by someone!
Out comes Chita.......sorry Lita!

Lita stares down Trish,then Skanky hits a twist of fate on Trish from behind!

Flair & Trips are walking down a corridor!
Bisch stops Trips from going to the ring with the sledgehammer!
He says leave the hammer or dont go to ringside!

Flair loses his bottle!


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Apparently Shatista has picked Benoit as HHHs opponent next week!

Flair comes out with Trips & no hammer!

Out comes Shatista!

Shatista pushes Flair onto his arse!

HHH sings a few bars of The Ace Of Spades!

Flair goes WOOOOO.........Shatista goes RRAAAAARGGGGHGHHH!

Flair starts hitting Shatboy but he doesnt feel it!
Flair gets back body dropped!
"Flair fall" after some punches to the head!
Sidewalk slam on Flair!
Shatboy goes to have a chat with Lemmy......HHH,then gets a low blow from Flair!

Flair chokes Shatista!
Chopblock from Flair!
Elbow drop feom Flair!
Flair keeps stomping on Shatistas knee!
A knee to Shatistas goolies!
Figure four & HHH adds leverage but Shatista reverses it!

Chops from Flair but Shatista looks angry!
Whips Flair into corner but gets hit by an elbow as he runs at Flair!
Flair goes to top rope know how this goes!

Spinebuster from Shatista!

Goes to Shatista bomb Flair but in runs HHH.........out goes HHH,and Flair still gets a Shatista bomb!
1-2-3 Shatista wins but chopblock from HHH & then he goes under the ring & gets another sledgehammer!
He tries to hit Shatista but Shatista stops it & takes the hammer from HHH!
He snaps it across his knee!
Trips runs away like a little girlie!

End of show as JR poos his pants in excitement!

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Luckily I was on the shitter whilst most of RAW.

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
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burritos again?

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...and they were curried!

When will I ever learn?

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
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wrestlers are like superheroes.

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I didn't watch RAW tonight. I was out drinking. I'm still rather drunk now, in fact.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Did you pick up any wo...
Never mind. I shouldn't ask such an obvious question.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #443244 2005-03-08 11:49 AM
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He still aint sure why his arse is bleeding!

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Nowhereman said:
He still aint sure why his arse is bleeding!

and why his dick smells like shit!

PJP #443246 2005-03-08 12:23 PM
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I had no idea he was a contortionist,cause his dick sure aint that big (Rob told me)!

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Actually, I thought tonight wasn't bad. Certianly up there with the Japan shows in terms of quality wwe shows recently.

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I want hhh to retire....and die.

In fact, I hope at Wrestlemania, Batista fucks up the batista bomb and cripples hhh!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
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You can read minds?

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I never learned to read!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!

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