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PJP said: or whenver he saw a pretty waitress he kept pulling out his penis and asking them to give the son of God a kiss........that was a little embarassing.
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rex said: What I'm saying is that neither are 100% proveable.
rex said: Why do you get defensive when you see facts that prove evolution?
Another victim of the public school system.
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Jim Jackson said:
wannabuyamonkey said: I reject evolution because it's junk science.
I find it amazing that some of you out there think that this forum is going to be the one in which a solution is offered in the debate over Darwinian evolution.
Who claimed that they thought this would offer a solution to end the debate forever? I only said that IF rex could back up his claim to a FACT that PROVED evolution that it would end the debate for me, because far be it for me to deny a FACT that PROVED anything.
You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Darwinian evolution do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves? That they just tow some party line from all the Liberal Universities and Colleges?
No I wouldn't say that at all, but at the same time I'm not going to follow them blindly just because the have a Ph.D after thier name the same way you all claim religios people do for clergy.
You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Inteligent Design theory do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves?
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Jim Jackson said:
Pariah said:
Jim Jackson said: You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Darwinian evolution do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves? That they just tow some party line from all the Liberal Universities and Colleges?
How many degrees you got? I'm sorry, but I can't help but ask that. People who've made evolutionary theory their whole lives are being dismissed by people who haven't.
I'm sorry, but it matters. If I voiced a legal opinion, people would be on me that I don't havent' studied law and don't have a J.D. So we defer to the guy who has those credentials.
So let's do that in this case as well.
I'm sorry, but this is just patronising and rude. Your implying that Paraih has no right to debate this because he doesn't have a Ph.D. devoting his life to prove evolution. This just proves what I was saying about secularists blindly following what those with letters preceding thier names tell them. My dad once went into a long explaination about some theory that made no sense when i asked him how it made sense he said, well the guy (he was quoting) had a Ph.D on the topic so he assumed he knew what he was talking about, well here's a news flash a Ph.D doesn't make people infallable and furthermore Ph.D.s don't all agree so don't chastize Paraih who, like you has to rely on the hard work and study of others just because the Ph.D.s he believes aren't the same ones you believe.
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I never said that evolution was 100% proveable. What I said was it was scientifically proven to be possible, which is a lot more than you can say about god.
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If I may show my bias a little before I go. It really bothers me how it seems whenever I have a discussion with evolutionists they alwayse seem to ASSUME that educated people believe in Evolution while the uneduacted don't and they seldom have to "prove" anything to me, because if i was intellegent I'd believe as they do. Now if you all will excuse me i have to go re-read "The Emporers New Cloths".
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Jim Jackson said:
How many degrees you got? I'm sorry, but I can't help but ask that. People who've made evolutionary theory their whole lives are being dismissed by people who haven't.
I didn't need to devote my life to it. They did so for me, then creationists brought their arguments to light, which have yet to be disgarded, and here we are. My analysis of the reality of evolution isn't so much poultry, its a chronological recount based off of the findings of those very scientists. The problem is, as I referenced in my post, these findings aren't getting any coverage because no one wants to be caught implying that there was a supreme being....What if there was? What if evolution doesn't actually speak against it? That's the whole point of this thread.
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Jim Jackson said: It's an assumption, that order can only come from order.
But actually, order can come from disorder. The Law of Maximum Entropy Production or Why the World is in the Order Production Business found at http://members.tripod.com/spacetimenow/section6.html.
Swenson, R./Turvey, M.T. 1991. Thermodynamic reasons for perception-action cycles. Ecological Psychology 3: 317—348.
Rod Swenson has spent his entire career examining the idea that the universe, without an invocation of God, is an order-producing system.
It's not a matter of order from disorder (I fully believe that thesis), it's about taking life from the dead. Reasoning that life came from non-living matter.
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rex said: I never said that evolution was 100% proveable. What I said was it was scientifically proven to be possible, which is a lot more than you can say about god.
yes it's possible and yes the assertion that the existance of God has failed to even be proven possible is the most idiotic thing i've ever heard (just to get you up to speed just as your earlier assertion of FACTS that PROVE evolution acctually do imply 100% provablitiy, your assertion that the mere possibility of God's existance is unprovable implies that his existance has somehow been proven impossible.... I'll let others explain this one to you, because i gotta go.)
Have a nice day.
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if ive learned one thing today it's that if you have a degree you know everything!
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wannabuyamonkey said: I'm sorry, but this is just patronising and rude. Your implying that Paraih has no right to debate this because he doesn't have a Ph.D. devoting his life to prove evolution.
If we consult the lawyers for a legal opinion, then we consult the scientists for the scientific ones.
Pariah is entitled to his opinion. But time spent in study on the subject does matter. Pariah may debate it as he wishes, too.
Call me patronizing and rude if you wish, but it's a fact. We don't go to Joe Blow on the street to ask him about the law.
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wannabuyamonkey said: yes it's possible and yes the assertion that the existance of God has failed to even be proven possible is the most idiotic thing i've ever heard (just to get you up to speed just as your earlier assertion of FACTS that PROVE evolution acctually do imply 100% provablitiy, your assertion that the mere possibility of God's existance is unprovable implies that his existance has somehow been proven impossible.... I'll let others explain this one to you, because i gotta go.)
Have a nice day.
So you call me idiotic instead of providing a valid point. I win again.
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Jim Jackson said:
wannabuyamonkey said: I'm sorry, but this is just patronising and rude. Your implying that Paraih has no right to debate this because he doesn't have a Ph.D. devoting his life to prove evolution.
If we consult the lawyers for a legal opinion, then we consult the scientists for the scientific ones.
Pariah is entitled to his opinion. But time spent in study on the subject does matter. Pariah may debate it as he wishes, too.
Call me patronizing and rude if you wish, but it's a fact. We don't go to Joe Blow on the street to ask him about the law.
this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges. a lawyer can give you advice on wehter something is legal or not a scientist is developing theories. there are scientists who do not believe in evolution, but i guess as with all you arguments you cant acknowledge that. but your ignorance is legendary.
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wannabuyamonkey said: If I may show my bias a little before I go. It really bothers me how it seems whenever I have a discussion with evolutionists they alwayse seem to ASSUME that educated people believe in Evolution while the uneduacted don't and they seldom have to "prove" anything to me, because if i was intellegent I'd believe as they do. Now if you all will excuse me i have to go re-read "The Emporers New Cloths".
And I know many Ph. D. scientists who believe in both Darwinian evolution and God. I have run into many religious scientists.
What bothers me is that so many assume that Darwinian evolution contradicts any kind of "God as creator" opinoins.
What's so offensive or wrong about the idea that God put the universe in motion and that science is Humanity's attempt to figure out what God was up to, how his processes operate?
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges.
There's the pot calling the kettle black, with you telling me I'm ignorant. 
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges. a lawyer can give you advice on wehter something is legal or not a scientist is developing theories. there are scientists who do not believe in evolution, but i guess as with all you arguments you cant acknowledge that. but your ignorance is legendary.
Why don't you just stick to calling me a queer and making jokes. It's clearly what you're good at.
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Jim Jackson said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges.
There's the pot calling the kettle black, with you telling me I'm ignorant.
im actually a friggin genius, ive never been proved wrong.
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Jim Jackson said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges. a lawyer can give you advice on wehter something is legal or not a scientist is developing theories. there are scientists who do not believe in evolution, but i guess as with all you arguments you cant acknowledge that. but your ignorance is legendary.
Why don't you just stick to calling me a queer and making jokes. It's clearly what you're good at.
translation: im right and you are wrong.
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges.
You know, you can compare apples and oranges. For starters, they both grow on trees. They both grow in the United States. They're both fruit.
Go ahead, I'm waiting for the joke. If it hasn't already, it'll come to ya.
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britneyspearsatemyshorts said: translation: im right and you are wrong.
You go ahead and think whatever you want, babe. Doesn't matter a goddamned thing anyway.
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Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?
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Jim Jackson said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: this shows your ignorance thats apples an oranges.
You know, you can compare apples and oranges. For starters, they both grow on trees. They both grow in the United States. They're both fruit.
Go ahead, I'm waiting for the joke. If it hasn't already, it'll come to ya.
i dont make tree jokes, anti-arborist!
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Jim Jackson said:
britneyspearsatemyshorts said: translation: im right and you are wrong.
You go ahead and think whatever you want, babe. Doesn't matter a goddamned thing anyway.
as if we needed further proof, you have nothing to say that can disprove my point and youve resorted to cursing. jim dont be ashamed i know i dont have a phd some people are just born more intelligent like me.....
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PrincessElisa said: Just look at how perfectly the earth is tilted...
I can't. I'm too small and the Earth is too big. Plus I'm on the Earth, so see the Earth's tilt is just a wee bit difficult.
Nothing this complex could ever evolve just from one single cell millions of years ago.
Unless it had time to evolve. Say, a few million years?
Great posts by the way, Jaburg.
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Joe Mama said: Unless it had time to evolve. Say, a few million years?
Did you by chance read my post?
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No I didn't. Too long. I'm not wearing my glasses. And I felt like being a wisenheimer. Lighten up, Pariah. Sheesh!
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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*shrug* Throw me a bone here (no, not that bone), I thought you were being serious.
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Pariah said:
Joe Mama said: Unless it had time to evolve. Say, a few million years?
Did you by chance read my post?
I'm not reading that post either unless there's a course grade on the line.
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If I knew you didn't actually read what I said posts ago I would have said this much earlier:
You are a fucking arrogant fucking motherfucker fucking fuck.....
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Nope...wasn't being serious at all. Thus the "literalness" of my "finding flaw" with Elisa's post. Just me being a smart-ass.
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Pariah said: If I knew you didn't actually read what I said posts ago I would have said this much earlier:
You are a fucking arrogant fucking motherfucker fucking fuck.....
You are entitled to your opinion. As am I.
And I'm arrogant? You title a thread "flaw in evolution" and *I'M* arrogant? Dude, take care of your own playpen first.
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Jim Jackson said: And I'm arrogant? You title a thread "flaw in evolution" and *I'M* arrogant? Dude, take care of your own playpen first.
I titled it that way because that's the reality of the situation. People have found flaws in the theory of evolution.
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everybody needs to start taking this goddamned thread more seriously.
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Oh, don't worry. BSAMS will make some gay joke soon enough to bring this place around to its proper tenor.
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what is it with you and constantly making the gay comment? you say it doesnt define you yet we cant have a serious conversation here without you trying to play that card 
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for the record i picture the gay card as the king, only his head looks like balloonknot in the tiara.
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Jim Jackson said:
wannabuyamonkey said: I'm sorry, but this is just patronising and rude. Your implying that Paraih has no right to debate this because he doesn't have a Ph.D. devoting his life to prove evolution.
If we consult the lawyers for a legal opinion, then we consult the scientists for the scientific ones.
Pariah is entitled to his opinion. But time spent in study on the subject does matter. Pariah may debate it as he wishes, too.
Call me patronizing and rude if you wish, but it's a fact. We don't go to Joe Blow on the street to ask him about the law.
You conviniently left out the rest of my post, because it addresses exactly this point, if we shouldn't listen to Pariah , then we sure as hell shouldn't listen to you. If I'm going to use your example of the lawer (and you sure haven't shied away from debating legal matters with G-Man) Paraih isn't acting as a lawer, he's acting as one who recieved legal advise and is choosing to share said advise with us. To sum it up, if P has no right or authority to speak on these matters then you have no right to question his assertions because you are no more qualified than he. Infact if i were to take your assertions to the fullest then you should NEVER question P on anything regarding Catholosism. What we have here is two people who agree with two different sets of Ph.D.s For you to sidestep the acctual arguments he makes by saying (some, not all) Ph.D.s dissagree with you is no different from me dissmissing any argument you make by simply quoting "because the Bible tells me so"
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rex said:
wannabuyamonkey said: yes it's possible and yes the assertion that the existance of God has failed to even be proven possible is the most idiotic thing i've ever heard (just to get you up to speed just as your earlier assertion of FACTS that PROVE evolution acctually do imply 100% provablitiy, your assertion that the mere possibility of God's existance is unprovable implies that his existance has somehow been proven impossible.... I'll let others explain this one to you, because i gotta go.)
Have a nice day.
So you call me idiotic instead of providing a valid point. I win again.
Sigh, I provided several valid points many of wich were contradictions provided in your own quotes. You on the other hand refused to simply offer up a single fact of proof that you insisted existed. I'm glad to see however that you followed the link I provided to shape your argument. I would like to point out (yet another) missunderstanding you've made. I never said YOU were idiotic I said the argument that even the POSSIBILITY of God's existence is unprovable is idiotic for one because it puts the burdon back on you to prove that God's existence is impossible. You insist that you don't want me to blindly follow my beliefs, but it would apear that what you're offering as an alternitive is that I blindly follow yours. Your only offering to my request that you prove your assertion is a "No, you prove yours!" Gee, thanks you've opened my eyes how could I continue to follow by beliefs when you've offered such convincing evidence to the contrary.
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wannabuyamonkey said: You conviniently left out the rest of my post, because it addresses exactly this point, if we shouldn't listen to Pariah , then we sure as hell shouldn't listen to you.
Then don't.
I'm not here trying to sway anybody's opinion about anything.
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