Now, I'm a scientist and a Christian, which at first looks like a paradox. What's even more amusing is that really, I'm a horrible scientist and a even worst Christian. I have the worst luck making polymers in lab, and I nod off during the priest's homily. But enough about that.

To me, proof of the Creator's touch on his own creations, through means that we call 'science'. A product of natural selection, of some genetypes and phenotypes outcompeting others? Yes. A product of God's own labors, a part of his plan to 'let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind' (Gen 1: 24)? Yes.

This is simply an example of the hamonizing of religion and science. To say that all of creatures on the Earth are the result of atoms and genes rearranging themselves without the guidance of the Almighting is souless. To claim that all of creation remained fixed since they sprang forth from the darkness is foolish.

God is the first scientist and the first artist, and nature is proof of that divine talent. But nature isn't a painting -- it's not stationary. It's more like a concert piece -- quiet moments and loud moments, cresendoes and solos.

Now, speaking more like a scientist, I always get pissed off when people fake fossil evidence. However, it's tough to shrugg off genetic evidence. I'm still not sure on the speed of evolution (punctual or gradual), but I think DNA evidence will eventually prove one theory of another.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream