rex said:
wannabuyamonkey said:
rex said: Here's a question for all you religious type. Why do you get defensive when you see facts that prove evolution? Now I do believe there is a god and he created everything, but I see it as god got the ball rolling and let things go from there. Its been proven many times that evolution happened. I don't belive that we evolved from apes or anything like that, but you do have to admit that species evolve. Why do some christians say that the dinosaurs never existed when we have found bones and other proof they did? Why are christians so afraid to face reality?
OK, rex, and please be VERY carefull when answering this because I'm NOT going to have a ciclical arument and therefore only going to give you ONE chance at this, but in order to lay this to rest, please give me one FACt that PROVES evolution. Not only will your providing such lay this to rest for me, because I'm not one to deny FACTS, but it will also make you a millionaire beyond your comprehention because no one in the scientific comunity to my knoledge has come up with a single FACT that PROVES evolution.
Prove the existence of god.
Hold on HOLD ON here, I will gladly answer your question, but lets not forget YOUR premise here. Your premise being and I qoute "Why do you get defensive when you see facts that prove evolution?" So if you're going to make an accusation like that I assume you're prepared to back it up. If I came here asking why you non religious types get defensive every time you see facts that prove there is a God, then yes the burdon would be on me to name one such fact and frankly I'll be glad to do so once we've first covered one simple thing wich if I'm going to be accused of getting defensive when faced with one of these facts, I'd like you to tell me one of them. Frankly there are alot of people who believe in God AND evolution and if I was faced with a FACT that PROVED evolution then that wouldn't shake me in my belief of God. I don't reject evolution because my faith is hinged on that regection. I reject evolution because it's junk science. Since you seem to have gotten confused as to my question I'll give you ONE more chance to answer it THEN we can move on to your question.
If you're having trouble answering this question there's a helpfull resorse here.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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