
Jim Jackson said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
I reject evolution because it's junk science.

I find it amazing that some of you out there think that this forum is going to be the one in which a solution is offered in the debate over Darwinian evolution.

Who claimed that they thought this would offer a solution to end the debate forever? I only said that IF rex could back up his claim to a FACT that PROVED evolution that it would end the debate for me, because far be it for me to deny a FACT that PROVED anything.


You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Darwinian evolution do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves? That they just tow some party line from all the Liberal Universities and Colleges?

No I wouldn't say that at all, but at the same time I'm not going to follow them blindly just because the have a Ph.D after thier name the same way you all claim religios people do for clergy.

You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Inteligent Design theory do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves?

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