
Jim Jackson said:

Pariah said:

Jim Jackson said:
You think all the Ph.D.s out there who support Darwinian evolution do so uncritically, as though they've never investigated the topic themselves? That they just tow some party line from all the Liberal Universities and Colleges?


How many degrees you got? I'm sorry, but I can't help but ask that. People who've made evolutionary theory their whole lives are being dismissed by people who haven't.

I'm sorry, but it matters. If I voiced a legal opinion, people would be on me that I don't havent' studied law and don't have a J.D. So we defer to the guy who has those credentials.

So let's do that in this case as well.

I'm sorry, but this is just patronising and rude. Your implying that Paraih has no right to debate this because he doesn't have a Ph.D. devoting his life to prove evolution. This just proves what I was saying about secularists blindly following what those with letters preceding thier names tell them. My dad once went into a long explaination about some theory that made no sense when i asked him how it made sense he said, well the guy (he was quoting) had a Ph.D on the topic so he assumed he knew what he was talking about, well here's a news flash a Ph.D doesn't make people infallable and furthermore Ph.D.s don't all agree so don't chastize Paraih who, like you has to rely on the hard work and study of others just because the Ph.D.s he believes aren't the same ones you believe.

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