
rex said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
yes it's possible and yes the assertion that the existance of God has failed to even be proven possible is the most idiotic thing i've ever heard (just to get you up to speed just as your earlier assertion of FACTS that PROVE evolution acctually do imply 100% provablitiy, your assertion that the mere possibility of God's existance is unprovable implies that his existance has somehow been proven impossible.... I'll let others explain this one to you, because i gotta go.)

Have a nice day.

So you call me idiotic instead of providing a valid point.
I win again.

Sigh, I provided several valid points many of wich were contradictions provided in your own quotes. You on the other hand refused to simply offer up a single fact of proof that you insisted existed. I'm glad to see however that you followed the link I provided to shape your argument. I would like to point out (yet another) missunderstanding you've made. I never said YOU were idiotic I said the argument that even the POSSIBILITY of God's existence is unprovable is idiotic for one because it puts the burdon back on you to prove that God's existence is impossible. You insist that you don't want me to blindly follow my beliefs, but it would apear that what you're offering as an alternitive is that I blindly follow yours. Your only offering to my request that you prove your assertion is a "No, you prove yours!" Gee, thanks you've opened my eyes how could I continue to follow by beliefs when you've offered such convincing evidence to the contrary.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k