
Jim Jackson said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
If I may show my bias a little before I go. It really bothers me how it seems whenever I have a discussion with evolutionists they alwayse seem to ASSUME that educated people believe in Evolution while the uneduacted don't and they seldom have to "prove" anything to me, because if i was intellegent I'd believe as they do. Now if you all will excuse me i have to go re-read "The Emporers New Cloths".


And I know many Ph. D. scientists who believe in both Darwinian evolution and God. I have run into many religious scientists.

What bothers me is that so many assume that Darwinian evolution contradicts any kind of "God as creator" opinoins.

What's so offensive or wrong about the idea that God put the universe in motion and that science is Humanity's attempt to figure out what God was up to, how his processes operate?

I've run into alot of Ph. D. scientists who reject Darwinism , so what's your point? My point from the beginning is that when dealing with theories you can't turn to the Ph.D.s as the final authority because they haven't come up with a final conclusion. There are Ph.D.s who believe in Darwinism and there are those who regect it so we can't rest on "because the Ph.D.s say so" I'll also not that you've cleverly made the logic jump of equating darwinism with science in general and the rejection of one to the rejection of the other, shame, shame. I reject Darwinism and at teh same time consider science (I know research scientists who attend my church and worship along side me and are elders in the church as well) a very nobel cause. You ask what's offensive and I can reject darwinsism and at the same time assert that "God put the universe in motion and that science is Humanity's attempt to figure out what God was up to, how his processes operate."

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k