
Pariah said:

Cowgirl Jack said:
Now, speaking more like a scientist, I always get pissed off when people fake fossil evidence. However, it's tough to shrugg off genetic evidence. I'm still not sure on the speed of evolution (punctual or gradual), but I think DNA evidence will eventually prove one theory of another.

I definitely challenge this.

I challenge your challenge.


Pariah said:
If you're referring to the idea that our genome reveals a relation between our genes and apes, then I must point out that-that reasoning has already been debunked. Besides the fact that we're actually still charting the genome, the reasoning behind its use for evolutionary credibility is totally specious.

The reasoning has not been debunked. To debunk something, one must prove it untrue. The idea that the world is flat, for example, has been debunked. The human-ape link...not so much.


Pariah said:
It was reasoned that apes were discovered to have a gene formation that's 97% matchable to humans. Through this, and perhaps the fact that chimps have opposable fingers, it was decided that evolution was real.

If that were true, it wouldn't be called a theory.


Pariah said:
Then, later on, it was discovered that chimps had a 3% potential for sickle cell anemia. This is opposed to humans who only have .3% potential.

That doesn't really prove anything. Blacks are more likely to fall victim to sickle cell anemia to whites.