Ultimates is by far the superior choice. Just great story telling and fantastic art work. I'm really excited about the current Thor mystery.

Ult. X-Men was good until Millar left. Bendis killing the Beast? Why??? There's no damn excuse for bad story telling, especially when you need to kill a character to end a horribly dragged on story.

I think Ultimate Spider-man is still okay, but it was better before Marvel had Bendis write all of their titles.

Ultimate Fantastic Four was always boring to me. Even with Ellis at the helm now. Decompressed story telling sucks.

Ultimate Electra only came out cuz of the Daredevil movie, and it wasn't very good.

I haven't read Ultimate Iron Man yet, but that Card guy seems to excite people so I think I'll pick up the trade when it comes out.

Ultimate war was "meh". next.

I haven't read all of Ultimate Nightmare, and I never even picked up Ultimate Adventures so I won't comment on them.