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Vote as many times as you like. Hoping I haven't forgotten any....
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Spider-man and the Ultimates. Both because they have the same creators since the beginning.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Ultimates is by far the superior choice. Just great story telling and fantastic art work. I'm really excited about the current Thor mystery.
Ult. X-Men was good until Millar left. Bendis killing the Beast? Why??? There's no damn excuse for bad story telling, especially when you need to kill a character to end a horribly dragged on story.
I think Ultimate Spider-man is still okay, but it was better before Marvel had Bendis write all of their titles.
Ultimate Fantastic Four was always boring to me. Even with Ellis at the helm now. Decompressed story telling sucks.
Ultimate Electra only came out cuz of the Daredevil movie, and it wasn't very good.
I haven't read Ultimate Iron Man yet, but that Card guy seems to excite people so I think I'll pick up the trade when it comes out.
Ultimate war was "meh". next.
I haven't read all of Ultimate Nightmare, and I never even picked up Ultimate Adventures so I won't comment on them.
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It was one of those "U Pick" titles that no one gave a damn about.

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I have the first couple issues of it. In some ways it was Marvels take on Batman and Robin. At the time I thought it was alright. The main problem I had with it was that it started coming out every 3-4 months.
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Ultimate X-Men is enjoyable, but doesn't get my vote due to occasionally seeming constrained by what it's 'supposed' to be. Like the creators want to tell a cool story, but have to do it within six issues and have to do it with some new version device from Marvel proper. The Phoenix saga is not a story that takes six issues to tell; do something new with Jean Grey. A psycho serial killer out to kill mutants is one of those simple but interesting ideas; making him Ultimate Mister Sinister just seemed unnecessary. It also occasionally seems to skip over bits just to move the franchise along (perhaps to bring it closer in line with the movie); Nightcrawler popped up as a guest in their Weapon X arc, then all of a sudden he was an X-Man. Rogue just 'turned good'. And why the fuck is Juggernaut in the Brotherhood of Mutants? He's not a mutant. It should be added that I love the X-Men. They're probably my favourite superhero characters. I love the writing of Millar, Bendis and Vaughan. I love the concept of the Ultimate books, so I can read the adventures of these characters without having to know what happened in issue 73 of Uncanny X-Midgets in the eighties. So it pains me to admit to aspects of Ultimate X-Men that I've not enjoyed as much as I expect to.
Ultimate Spider-Man, I like. But the fact that I can't think of any comments to add beyond that probably says something.
The Ultimates gets my vote. It's the most original of the Ultimate titles; it's not trying hard to be The Avengers with some modern day celebrities thrown in to make it kewl. Millar has a genuinely original and interesting take on these characters, and he writes them damn well. Ultimate Cap is NOT the same character as Marvel Proper Cap, but I find him even more interesting. And Hitch... what does one have to say about Hitch (well... maybe "draw faster")?
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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Ultimates and spider-man!
I enjoyed #5 of Ultimate Nightmare(the rest of it was just filler) but that was probably just because of the introduction of 2 new Marvel Characters and a look at what's to come.....
Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!
I shit on Hogan!
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Ultimate Spider-man has been very stale as of late, Bendis just seems to be telling predictable and obvious stories. Like the death of Gwen Stacy. He really could have made some worthwhile changes, like keeping Gwen Stacy around, but he opted for the really shit method of killing her, and her death was a complete waste aswell. he also obviously lets his petty grudges interfere with his writing, like his refusal to ever write Ultimate Vulture, and the way he had Ultimate Punisher get bitch-slapped and humiliated by Spidey in one page
Vaughns Ultimate Xmen has been OK. Ultimate Sinister turned into complete shit, but the one about gambit was very good. Like previously said, it still feels like this title is written toward the movies and trade-paperbacks, which is a kick in the teeth
Ultimate Fantastic Four is mediocre. Ultimate Doom was OK, but he was changed way too much from the original. Dr. Doom is a character with finesse who strikes down his enemies, while Ultimate Doom was a loser running a little squaters camp who attacked the FF with a rocket launcher, wheres the finesse in that?
Ultimate Daredevil is a jerk. They squandered the chance of me ever picking up this title by pissing all over the Ultimate Daredevil/Spider-man relationship
Ultimate iron Man looked good, but apparently Tony Starks genius comes from some kind of computer AI in his head, which kind of sours the whole point of Tony Stark
Ultimates is by far the best. It hit a rather boring rough patch in the 1st volume between the origin and Chitauri arcs, but the finale with the Alien invasion more than made up for that. The beginning of volume 2 with Ult. thor and his 'insanity' is also turning out pretty well
"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here.
Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!"
"So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children."
"Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!"
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rex said: I have the first couple issues of it. In some ways it was Marvels take on Batman and Robin. At the time I thought it was alright. The main problem I had with it was that it started coming out every 3-4 months.
That and the series sucked ass. Word of advice to Marvel: If you have to make a Robin knockoff, don't base it off of the Jason Todd version.
I don't think we'll be seeing 'Owlman' in the Ultimate Universe ever again.
"What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday?"
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The Ultimate line is so good DC has to come out with their own. Of course they call it "All Star". This has the smell of cheese but I'll check it out. Then again I have to say the folks they are using are stuck in the past. Come to think of it, Marvel wasn't interested in them doing anything with their characters. Hummmmmm,,,,,, there is a reason Jim Lee is doing Batman & Superman. I guess he isn't all that and Marvel gets it. Does "All Star" = Marvel early '90's? YEP. I'll check out a few issues.
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Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!
I shit on Hogan!
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However All Star Superman has Quitely and Morrison, so I deem it worthy.
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Yes, Superman looks good...
I like Ultimate spidey and the Ultimates...
Ultimate war was better the way I read it which was after ultimates 12..I definitely see why it would have sucked had you not read it in it's original context of after ultimates 12.
I don't think that the fantastic four should have been so young..they are a family and it's hard to be a family if you are that young..a true family at any rate , and they changed doom too much and van damme sucks as a name..considering doom is a real name and van damme isn't..shudder..
Atleast Millar is coming back to save it..rumor is it was sucking and selling so little as an ultimate title that Joey Q, donkey fucker begged Millar to put off redoing thor and save Ultimate FF.. I don't think the flaws can be salvaged though, because they started out wrong and are now in a pickle..I suppose he could age them a bit..that would help..
Ultimate nighmare was good, not great..Ellis should stick to his own characters..I'm trying to think of a company owned book that he hasn't sucked or been a letdown on...anyone????
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Aaah...but he put his own characters in it..and we are talking stormwatch characters he changed all of their personalities (if they had any) but the authority crew became the starts as did rose tattoo and john whatshisname...
I was talking big 2 anyone, but I think the freedom he was given is not the same as it would be at the big two...
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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I enjoyed Ult. Nightmare quite a bit. The only reason I wouldn't put it above Ultimates is due to it being a mini.
Ult. War sucked donkey balls. No fight in the whole thing. And it continued in Ult. X-Men. Bullshit.
Ellis has done quite a bit of good work for hire. In his early days at Marvel he worked on Hellstorm, Druid, Dr. Strange, Doom 2099, and Thor, added in his own touches to those books and made them far more interesting than they were before or since.
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Ultimates is the only one worth a damn. I enjoy the storylines but...and this coming from a "story first" guy...it's the art that truly elevates it for me. I absolutely love Hitch's pencils. Even if an arc is mediocre, I can just sit and stare at the art and go "Oooooh...! Pretty pictures..."
I liked Ultimate Spidy at first (maybe the first 30 issues or so) but, now Bendis is grating on me. Ultimate F.f. Started promising buit, is sucking in a way similar to the original...never was a big F.F. fan.
The minis have been seldom HIT, mostly MISS for me...though I did like the Ultimate Six.
If I ever decide to put my books on eBay, all the Ultimate titles are gone. Except for The Ultimates.
Oderint, dum metuant.
You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you! -USCHI showin' some love
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Ultimates got my vote too. Ultimate Cap is a great character, and I like these versions of Tony Stark (aka Richard Branson) and Thor too.
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RIchard Branson doesn't have a super powerful robotic suit.
Stupid Dave.
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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You'll have to forgive me. Its very easy to confuse a super powerful high altitude balloon with a super powerful robotic suit of armour.
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Ultimates hit it off with me because of the changes. They're still the Avengers, but basically everything, including their world, has been changed That cant really be said for the other titles, they all still reek of the regular Marvel U with their very cosmetic changes. Maybe if X-men would have played around with Wolverine really being a bad guy, or a known X-men villain joining the Ultimate team, but they didnt....... Likewise with Ultimate Spidey, Bendis may aswell be writing a normal Spidey book Ultimate Elektra was a burn aswell. Kingpin is still the small time loser he was in Ultimate Spider-man, but they also crapped all over Ultimate Bullseye aswell. Best Hitman in the Marvel U became a loser who lives in run down apartments, squanders his jobs, gets slapped and humiliated by the Kingpin and doesnt do anything about it, then as the icing on the cake, gets beaten in a fight by Elektra, who in the Ultimate Universe is a little girl with no samurai or ninja training, all she's got is some lousy karate shit from her local club. Oh, and his name was, get this........ "Poindexter" 
"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here.
Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!"
"So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children."
"Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!"
--Invader Zim
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One of the reasons Ultimates is good, I think, is because it takes a lot of big name Marvel characters are runs with them within the title. The main example of this is Cap, but also Thor and Iron Man (although not now that the character has its own book). So you have a lot of characters with significant goodwill being explored, and explored well, in the one book. That's bound to create interest.