Yes, Superman looks good...

I like Ultimate spidey and the Ultimates...

Ultimate war was better the way I read it which was after ultimates 12..I definitely see why it would have sucked had you not read it in it's original context of after ultimates 12.

I don't think that the fantastic four should have been so young..they are a family and it's hard to be a family if you are that young..a true family at any rate , and they changed doom too much and van damme sucks as a name..considering doom is a real name and van damme isn't..shudder..

Atleast Millar is coming back to save it..rumor is it was sucking and selling so little as an ultimate title that Joey Q, donkey fucker begged Millar to put off redoing thor and save Ultimate FF.. I don't think the flaws can be salvaged though, because they started out wrong and are now in a pickle..I suppose he could age them a bit..that would help..

Ultimate nighmare was good, not great..Ellis should stick to his own characters..I'm trying to think of a company owned book that he hasn't sucked or been a letdown on...anyone????