i'd love to see the wonder woman franchise get some rejuvenation, and working with buffy people is a great start, considering all of the success that character has had.

without admittedly reading most wondie issues in the past few years, it does certainly seem like the character is at an impassable stand still, or even moreso put off as a "fun character" than she's been in years. there doesn't seem to be any buzz her way, nor any hope of buzz. any time i've tried to pick up an issue and get into the story, i was so bogged down with excess dialog boxes and confusing continuity that i'd close the comic half way through.

i enjoyed her JLA appearances through the first few writers, her kingdom come persona, her justice league cartoon persona, and other various guest-appearances, but... most of those are moreso characiture, rather than character.

i'd love to see a kick ass flick replenish and renew.

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